UM Sucks.


So Judah fucked it up
Jul 28, 2003
Århus, Denmark
Well I´ve been coming to these forums for quite a long time, and it seemed to me there Where a freedom to express ones opinion, that no longer applies, any thread with the word "Opeth" in it is destined to be closed (including this one)

I understand they closed the forum, though it would have been better just to ban those responseable for this mess. My point is why is it "illegal" to even discuss this matter?
Try looking it at the mods' point of view, they're not being nazi, they're being reasonable. The Opeth forum was an *official* forum. You're not supposed to talk of a band's leaked album on the official forum. However, people don't seem to get it, so they do. Now the mods are cool, and instead of, what would have happened on many other boards I go to, banning everyone who speaks about the leaked GR, they close the forum.

And then naturally, topics about GR leak on any other boards are closed as well.

Just face it - you lost your freedom of speech the moment you clicked on 'I Agree' to the forum terms of service.
As far a free speech goes, I think UM is as close to free speech as possible. A lot of forums out there are total censorship Nazis.
Be glad this isn't the Cannibal Corpse forum (which sucks anyways). The mod there thinks he is better and owns everyone and is some dumb fuck from Turkey that tries sucking Alex Webster's dick as often as possible. You say anything bad about CC or talk about Chris Barnes you're probably banned.
Arch said:
As far a free speech goes, I think UM is as close to free speech as possible. A lot of forums out there are total censorship Nazis.
and that UM allows even real nazis and people of whatever background to voice their opinions. if you're still distraught, there's an unofficial forum for that cool band we call Opeth
Meh, UM is pretty lenient IMO, the only board that was ever a problem was the Billy Milano board. I got banned because I unintentionally kept making a fool out of Milano [which he is] and now that it's gone, I like UM a lot better.
I was censored once on the Orphaned land forum, after saying something about a shaved cunt in german.

beside that no incidents.UM was pretty kind to me too