UM Meetups

So, I don't have pics from last night but I can talk about what Grant and I did:

I took Grant to Skyline Chili which is a Cincinnati based restaurant. He approved of the chili even though he didn't have it how it should be eaten (on top of spaghetti). After that, we went to a bar near where I live and drank some beer and played darts. Once that was over, we came back to my place and drank a shit ton of beer and listened to music. He exposed me to Killing Joke and The Melvins.
So, I don't have pics from last night but I can talk about what Grant and I did:

I took Grant to Skyline Chili which is a Cincinnati based restaurant. He approved of the chili even though he didn't have it how it should be eaten (on top of spaghetti). After that, we went to a bar near where I live and drank some beer and played darts. Once that was over, we came back to my place and drank a shit ton of beer and listened to music. He exposed me to Killing Joke and The Melvins.

And then....?
And then I passed out

You guys are so gay for each other I love it. Ozzfag, when are we gonna meet up? I want to get into a verbal fight about Manilla Road with you again except in person.

So you can attempt to plead your case about the fact that they aren't overrated? Won't work, bro

I expect you'll also try to argue with me that Doom Metal as a genre is mostly not boring and that Pentagram doesn't suck

Oh, I also stole Grant's phone and I was talking to Dodens on Facebook. He got mad and stopped responding.

I'm convinced whenever I meet people like rms or Ozzman they are going to punch me in the face.

Stop acting like a douche most times, then
I really need to meet up with matt, Tara, and Cody when I am in their respective parts of the country. Beers and jams to follow :kickass:

Also, I'd like to spend some time disagreeing with Schmidt about what makes music good and stuff while smoking expensive cannabanoids.
Grant left about an hour ago. He joined me at my weekly Pathfinder session and really enjoyed it. He is considering getting into RPGs when he gets settled back at home.

We ate dinner with my friend Troy last night and he's a conspiracy theorist so we had a good conversation with him about the latest government goings-on.

The last two days were pretty chill after Friday night. I hope I get a chance to get to DC to visit him at some point.
You fuckers need to come to Canada and have a greasy ol liquor cheeseburger party with me, around a Smiths Falls bonfire.
I'm actually seriously considering taking a vacation to Canada sometime but probably to the Calgary/Edmonton area, or maybe I'll wait and go to the next Noctis fest.

And Tara-->We could totally drunkenly skype with you and just leave the computer on so you can listen in our Jeremy and I's conversations about people on UM, Latin, and whores.
Jeremy and I are having a cuddle session on the 22nd. Liquor and Whores will be had. Anyone else faggy enough to cum?

I have to drive to Chicago at 4 AM that night. I'll need people to keep me awake.

Can I be there in spirit?

We'll Skype you in.

You fuckers need to come to Canada and have a greasy ol liquor cheeseburger party with me, around a Smiths Falls bonfire.

Most of my relatives live in Buffalo. How far are you from the Niagara crossing?
Jeremy: Google Maps

Schmidt: But Smiths Falls is so much raunchier! We can slam cheap beers and blast Saint Vitus and Manilla Road at the bar by hooking our MP3 players to the sound system and annoy everyone else.
I wanna hang out with Zach again. That fucker disappeared off the board after MDF :(

MDF is really my only time to see most of you bastards. I see Nicole pretty often and everytime I do, we always talk about MDF epicness hoping to see as many of you goofy fucks there as possible.

the SoCal contingent had a meetup at the Agalloch show a while back. No photographic evidence exists of said meeting

Yeah, we fucked up. We shouldve taken one :(

I really need to meet up with matt, Tara, and Cody when I am in their respective parts of the country. Beers and jams to follow :kickass:

Also, I'd like to spend some time disagreeing with Schmidt about what makes music good and stuff while smoking expensive cannabanoids.

Oh for sure dude. Epic times are in the future. You coming to MDF next year?

Also, Id like to partake in the smoking of expensive cannabanoids. Ill contribute to the conversation with occasional head nods and making sure joints are rolled and lit.

Sex is not metal enough.

EDIT: It used to be in the 80's but now it's the solitude and masturbation. Times change.


Seriously one of the best things Ive read on the board in awhile.