ummm they painted the ceilings in my office over the weekend


Aug 2, 2002
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what a total downer. they were covered in huge bizarre cracks and big sheets of peeling paint. it was fun to stare at it. now it's just a lumpy white mess.
work just got 10x more boring.
to make your days at the office better... buy this suit for one of your coworkers.

I'm kind of iffy on the need for paint. They repaint the Verrazano-Narrows bridge every ten years at the cost of FORTY MILLION DOLLARS each time. Would you rather have a pretty bridge or give a hundred thousand broke families enough money to feed their kids for a couple months?
i dont think zander has posted anything on any of my threads that was nice or not completely thread raping or killing in a good few months.

anyway, i can't believe the bridge really costs that much to paint? are you serious? why did i not know that? how INSANE is that? they should just let that piece of crap peel.
that's what it says in this New Yorker article I'm reading about the bridge right now. isn't it fucking nuts? like, at what monetary point does cosmetic shit become absurd?
yeah imagine that mug glaring down inside your crib every day, I'd rather have a mobile with disfigured vaginas hanging from it, that would be less scarring and frightening.
his face is so messed up i can't deal with it.
i feel really bad for him. he must be deranged or something.

as for the bridge/jackson comparison, i was obviously not talking about appearances, i was talking about the awe struck feeling it gave me at hearing/seeing them in their true state.
If you want to get your ass kicked by the awesomeness of industry, check out the picture of the bridge in the latest New Yorker. It really emphasizes how freaking enormously high above the Earth the bridge reaches. Had I ready access to a scanner, I'd post it...
Alex, you're showing a coldhearted lack of sympathy for those 300 workers who base their entire decade's holiday shopping on that job. Imagine:

"Paw, why beans for Christmas this year?"

"Well maw, I didn't get my bridge check."