ummm they painted the ceilings in my office over the weekend

Exactly how old are you, preppy??


additional note: Apparently whoever created the ECTO'S MOM account did not put too much effort into image searching. Her avatar is the very first result for "old lady" on google. :)
where did you find that picture? i adore it.

i am weak from paint fumes possibly. i am also weak from too much pumpkin pie (which i didnt even think i liked until i finally tried it on friday...) and also from my neighbors slowly sucking the will to live out of me.
google, the last refuge of fools, sadly.

pumpkin pie is great, especially once you realise it's not so much pumpkinny as it is nutmeggy, cinnamonny, etc. the punkin's just an excuse for the sweet 'n' spice!
this one did taste like pumpkin (probably because it had no sugar in it) but it was still pretty damn good.

i also made the horrible mistake of trying to eat at a 'friendly's' restaurant while visiting MA and i think that drained my will to live also a little.
i know. trust me.
let me just say this: i tried to get the table salad and it would have been vegan except for the extraneous amount of HUMAN HAIR IN THE MIX. i'm totally not kidding.

it was literally like someone emptied out their hairbrush in the salad. it was totally fucked up. i obviously lost my shit.
i dont think the question is rude at all. i'm 27. FYI. and biting your nails is vegan as long as you spit the clippings in someone's face.