Uncle Ted and his infinite wisdom


Right wing tolerance. :3

Serbian riot police fought running battles Sunday with thousands of far-right supporters who hurled Molotov cocktails and stun grenades to try disrupt a gay pride march in downtown Belgrade. More than 140 people were hurt and more than 200 were arrested, officials said.

Thousands of police officers sealed off the streets in the capital where the march took place, repeatedly clashing at several locations with rioters who tried to burst through security cordons.

Several parked cars were set on fire or damaged, shop windows were broken, garbage containers were overturned and streets signs destroyed. Several shops were looted before police restored peace late afternoon.

The anti-gay rioters also fired shots and threw Molotov cocktails at the headquarters of the ruling pro-Western Democratic Party, setting the building's garage on fire. The state TV building and the headquarters of other political parties were also attacked, with many windows shattered by stones.
I really find this typical right wing vs. left wing conversation stale as usual. It is abnormal for me to get into political discussions because I will typically "get it" from both sides when I make my statements, but maybe someone can get something useful from this:

I am rather liberal when it comes to social issues. I really don't want the hard core right wingers trying to push their morals on me.
At the same time, I am very conservative when it comes to economic issues. I don't want tax and spend liberals eating up my tax money with some of their pet projects. I prefer small government.

If anyone here feels similar to me, maybe you should investigate the libertarian party.
http://www.lp.org/ Am I trying to say the Libertarian party can solve the government problems in the US ? No, but there seems to be nothing but hard core right and left wingers out there. The moderate Republicans and even more so, the conservative Democrats are becoming a thing of the past. With such a disparagement on issues between each other, the already paistakingly slow government process will become even more lethargic. We need new blood in office, not more of the same.

I really find this typical right wing vs. left wing conversation stale as usual. It is abnormal for me to get into political discussions because I will typically "get it" from both sides when I make my statements, but maybe someone can get something useful from this:

I am rather liberal when it comes to social issues. I really don't want the hard core right wingers trying to push their morals on me.
At the same time, I am very conservative when it comes to economic issues. I don't want tax and spend liberals eating up my tax money with some of their pet projects. I prefer small government.

If anyone here feels similar to me, maybe you should investigate the libertarian party.
http://www.lp.org/ Am I trying to say the Libertarian party can solve the government problems in the US ? No, but there seems to be nothing but hard core right and left wingers out there. The moderate Republicans and even more so, the conservative Democrats are becoming a thing of the past. With such a disparagement on issues between each other, the already paistakingly slow government process will become even more lethargic. We need new blood in office, not more of the same.


I'm not exactly of the same persuasion, but what I do agree with you is that not everything is black and white. Yes, I do label myself as a liberal, but I pretty much do so to make sure people realize I'm not conservative. :lol:
I like to label myself non-conformist as I tend to vary depending on what issue it is, which is my problem with the party system. It's ridiculous to assume because you believe in a, b and c that therefore, you must stand by d, e and f.
If anyone here feels similar to me, maybe you should investigate the libertarian party.
http://www.lp.org/ Am I trying to say the Libertarian party can solve the government problems in the US ? No, but there seems to be nothing but hard core right and left wingers out there. The moderate Republicans and even more so, the conservative Democrats are becoming a thing of the past. With such a disparagement on issues between each other, the already paistakingly slow government process will become even more lethargic. We need new blood in office, not more of the same.


Unfortunately, the closest thing to a true libertarian in mainstream politics right now is Ron Paul, and he's getting less and less electable due to his age. I'd like to see some more forward-thinking politicians come out of the woodwork, instead of the ones who blindly follow the agreed-upon rhetoric of one side or the other.
Electablility of Ron Paul is less about his age and more about his being bat-shit insane. Why do you think the internet hive-mind likes him so much? It feeds on chaos.
Ted Nugent, rock star and avid bow hunter from Michigan , was being
interviewed by a liberal journalist, an animal rights activist. The
discussion came around to deer hunting. The journalist asked, 'What do you
think is the last thought in the head of a deer before you shoot him? Is it,
'Are you my friend?' or is it 'Are you the one who killed my brother?

This was a stupid question to begin with, regardless of the politics of whoever asks it, and deserved any sarcastic response it got.
Look at this ComicCon Picture:


Oh wait, no. That's not at the ComicCon. That's actually a conservative GOP Candidate (Tea Party, of course) dressed in a Nazi outfit. Nazi Reenactments, huh... Okay, if that's how he like to have fun, be it... :lol: I can't wait to hear what excuse Glenn Beck will give this time... :lol:

And by the way, I am not slamming Mr. Iott. I am actually being very tolerant, and simply laughing and shaking my head...
Oh, so it was a reenactors' group? I'd been wondering about the REAL story behind that 'October surprise' revelation..... That one guy appears to be wearing a kilt, so they can't be TOO serious. (Err, sorry, Hoyt. :))

This was a stupid question to begin with, regardless of the politics of whoever asks it, and deserved any sarcastic response it got.

I'm glad someone else mentioned this...it was one of the first thoughts that occurred to me when I read that. Ask a dumb, leading question....get what you so richly deserve.
Oh, so it was a reenactors' group?

Yes, apparently that's what it was. I posted that mainly for laughs, I wasn't pulling a Glenn Beck and saying "THAT GUY IS A FUCKING NAZI, THEREFORE ALL CONSERVATIVES ARE NAZIS!".

It's really amusing when a politician (be it liberal or conservative) gets caught in situations like these. The media (both sides) must go bonkers over these! :lol:
All Ted is guilty of, is Loving America. Ignorant, tolerant or not, the dude bleeds Red White and Blue. He loves his country, and for that I can't hate. Even if his celebrity has taken a hit for him showcasing his pride, I respect his views. May not agree with All of them, but hey, to each their own.

If Ted went into politics, he'd get my vote.
Ted Nugent is an asshole. I think that much everyone agrees on. But for the people who agree with him, he's like their hero. To those who don't he's an idiot.

No I don't like his music that much. Honestly, I think that most conservatives should be embarrassed to have this kind of guy speaking for them, but whatevs. Most of America is not as radical as he is.
Seriously thought that this thread was going to be about Bobby's World, and was very much disappointed.

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Ted Nugent is an asshole. I think that much everyone agrees on.


Palabra de Dios said:
But for the people who agree with him, he's like their hero.

You gotta remember, some people have *really low* standards.

Palabra de Dios said:
To those who don't he's an idiot.

True, but a bit understated. :lol:

Palabra de Dios said:
Honestly, I think that most conservatives should be embarrassed to have this kind of guy speaking for them, but whatevs.

Agreed. Again, the standards.

Palabra de Dios said:
Most of America is not as radical as he is.
