Underated Kalmah songs

Newcastle Fan

New Metal Member
Apr 24, 2008
Hey guys..

Well this thread is based purley on my personal opinion..a few songs i consider to be underated..although i think the whole band in general is pretty underated..:mad:

Anyways here it goes..in no particular order..

1-Dance of the water
2-Man of the King
3-Bird of Ill Omen..
4-Human Fates
5-The third, the magical

So, what about you guys?
I think "Doubtful About it All" is pretty underated. That main lead is so sick, and the chorus is just awesome with the alternating screaming sections! Other than that I think most Kalmah songs get the credit they deserve, though some more than others. I would even go so far to say some songs are overated. cough Swamphell cough. Don't kill me.