
Jun 19, 2006
what do people here think of this band?

unexpect is a avant-black band from quebec that incorporate many different styles of metal together ( not unlike akercocke) and have a strong bizarre/circus theme going on. they use some less used instruments in their music such as the violin , the piano, the 9 string bass ( fully utilised :loco: ) and have 3 singers ( the lead being female)

i find this band stands out of the crowd and have created a unique name for themselves.

interesting band, but i thing they try too hard to be weird for the sake of being weird. some parts just sound too forced for my taste
From the little I've heard, I like it. Thinking about picking up some, actually. Only heard their stuff The Entropy League podcast.
saw them opening for the gathering in nyc. i could stand them for only 5 minutes. then i went out the bar where they were playing ok computer. thom yorke saved my ears.
I didn't like them when I first heard them, but now I love them. "In A Flesh Aquarium" was one of my favourite 2006 albums.
Wow man, you know what? Not bad...not bad at all. I was expecting something kinda shitty from their band name.

Coming from an Arcturus fan, I must say I REALLY dig the keys.
for those of you who decided to pickup a copy ( you really should, all the songs sound very different) , notice theres a very opeth ish riff in "summoning scenes" at around 5:55 in the song
I guess there are some decent moments, but most of the music sounds like a cheesey jumbled mess and grates on my ears. I'm not opposed to avant-garde, but this seems really forced, blending genres in a rather contrived way.

To me this is like a more technical and aggressive take on Arcturus' LMI, but without the tastefulness. I have similar problems with bands like Solefald, Vintersorg, new Borknagar, etc.