unhealthy situations you have embraced


Sep 12, 2002
yesterday, lunch at the lavishly-titled "Curry House":

- waiter pours water into glasses we drank coke out of
- waiter urges us to sample the buffet-line rice pudding; we do so but mid-spoonful of glop i realize that there are dozens of flies circling the room and this shit was the only shit that had no covering whatsoever. i finish my shit regardless.

i ate dog food more than once.

someone ate french fries out of a dumpster when i was 8, but i can't remember if i partook

i may or may not have tasted urine on the seat of a toilet bowl at the same age.
I've drank beers with cigarette butts floating in them before. This is doubly gross because I don't really like beer.

I smoked weed with a homeless guy who probably hadn't brushed his teeth in months or even years.

I ate pierogis I left lying on the floor overnight because I couldn't bear to waste them.