Uni's end.....hopefully


Master Exploder
I just handed in the assignment I have been working on for the last week, which is kind of the last major one of my course. I have 3 more before the end of semester, one easy, one I have basically finished, and another that won't be as bad as the one I just handed in... so I am feelin pretty stoked right now. Roll on exams, and I will be able to kiss this shitty degree goodbye!
Its a great feeling when you stick it to em and get outta uni. But then you gotta get a good job, which is a difficult thing as well heh. Or you could just settle for any old job, which is fine at first but eventually sends you nuts, ie me right now!
Man, I've got a thesis to do before the end of October, a seminar on it a week later, and then a pissy unrelated exam two weeks after that.... I can't wait till the end of Oct, bye bye uni!!!!!! :) But yeah then there's the job issue. Hmm.
What are you guys studying again? My memory is shit; uni hasn't helped me out with that faculty. Being poor is crap, but being a student can be good. I've been at uni for most of the time since 1998, and will be for the next few years at least!
uni since 1998?? You're gonna hit the decade soon :)

I'm doing a science degree in ecology. So basically environmental science... job hunting is gonna be fun... argh. It's either that or somehow miraculously get a phd scholarship.. hahahahahahah yeah, ah, funny stuff!
I hope to be at uni for a good portion of my so-called "professional" and "adult" lives, unless of course I crack up again, self destruct and end up not submitting anything for my Masters. The scary thing is that this could still happen.

Being a student rules, provided you're part of life on campus and your classes are full of like minded people with similar goals. If however, you're like me and have no set contact hours, you get stuck inside your own head for months on end, go morbidly peculiar and start praying to gods you don't entirely believe in to either give you some idea what you're supposed to do or kill you.

Pardon the threadjacking. Just had to get all that off my chest for some reason. I'll go back to whimpering in the corner and pretending to be a teapot now :rolleyes:.

Ah, business. I did Commerce, which is pretty similar. Yeah I can understand you hating accounting - I didn't continue with that after the first year core subjects!

What kinds of jobs are you looking at, Meka? Yeah I reckon I will hit the decade. :)

Keep at it Wrathy; it'll be worth it eventually.
I'm doing science, finished degree in 03, now doing PhD. Will have been a full-time student for about 8 years by the time I finish haha
Wrathy, I agree with you bout the like-minded thing. And being a teapot, that's good stuff. But it's not so good if the people are like-minded people are morons though.

Jobs, jobs.... Not sure yet. hahah I really dont' know exactly what I want to do after I finish....... A lot of the jobs out there are consulting work (which I don't want to do) or coordinating programs positions that require a fair amount of experience (which I don't have). Wouldn't mind a position in field research or something ilke that, but they aren't too common (especially for graduates).

Kem, you should be nearing the last bits of you phd then eh? Another year or so?? What's your phd on?