Universal: Comments (MODERATED!!)

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the more i'm listening to the album, the more i'm liking the new style of keyboards, more atmospheric than vintage.
and it's quite unexpected!
Gahhh, I'm just so in love with this album. I'm so glad, it just blossomed the more I listened to it. The first 5 times I got through it I didn't like it at all, but now it's shaping up to be one of my (if THE) favorites of Borknagars albums!

Yes, for me too! I think I've listened to the album circa fifteen times, and I still discover new sounds! :kickass:

Concerning Loci, I could get about 11 vocal 'lines'. Far from 36 :lol:.
I think all Borknagar albums take a lot of listens to finally make sense. 'Universal' is no different. Everytime I put it on it gets better and better the more I learn the songs, then of course it's possible to hear the subtleties after that. Great stuff. By the way, such a unique band. You really know when you're listening to Borknagar, whatever album it might be. Such a distinctive sound. So yeah, loving 'Universal' in all its glory!! :)
No, Loci has at least 36 voices at the end..there I overdubbed at least 4 times on each vocal"thing" and I think some of the parts are overdubbed 8 times. Still it doesn't sound that vast, and some of that is actually effected by that I used the overdubbs that sounded the most like. Retrospectivly I would perhaps used some that sounded different toi get a vaster "Choir feeling".

mr V

wow thats a lot of voices :goggly:
These voices make a pretty good efect in music, but in live concerts how you do? People expect from the bands a performance equal from the albums so its not bad to make a lot overdubs?
^ Maybe there'll be some someday, but I doubt it.

I listened to the album again, and took notice of the drumming on 'Abrasion Tide'. It's absolutely wonderful, I love all the 'rolls' (not really sure if that's the appropriate term) in the song! I love how around 4:15 there's a kind of blast beat that doesn't stop until the end of that part! Sick! They rhythm changes are brilliant (especially at 2:00), I love them in the chorus; it's like three seconds of really fast hits.

I just noticed a bass line I didn't hear before :p .
After having a long time to listen to this record, my original opinion has changed. I hate to say it, but the drumming is really weak in comparison to the three previous records. Dave play's great during the fast and heavy parts, but when those slow parts come in, it sounds like an amateur is behind the kit. With the music as progressive as it is, a more seasoned and diverse drummer would have made a huge difference.

I think the best aspect of this record is the vocal talent. Mr. V, Vortex, and Lazare are in excellent form. The melodies, as always, are unique and catchy. While the actual material is great, I think the song arrangements suffer from "copy and paste" syndrome. This probably isn't the case, but the transitions between parts could definitely sound smoother.

I now place this record somewhere in the middle of Borknagar's discography, with Epic and Empiricism still being my favorites.
Hey, I just wanted to say that, having seen this album in a record store the other day and instantly loving the cover art, I bought it and I'm really loving it so far; everything's really well done, vocals, guitars, bass, drums; it's rare to see an album that flows perfectly, and that's what I think Universal is so far. Great stuff!
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