Universal: Comments (MODERATED!!)

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The album is quite short but good. I like this experimental direction Borknagar is taking now with Mr V who sings in more of a high voice. I think Mr V should not totally abandon the deep singing vocals. The production is good and some good hooks on the record. I like how Borknagar stepped up the arrangements and went with less predictable arrangements. The album is new to me still, I have to observe more but so far My favorite tunes on this are REASON, THE STIR OF SEASONS, FOR A THOUSAND YEARS TO COME, WORLDWIDE & MY DOMAIN. My least favorite being HAVOC & ABRASION TIDE.
I'm the outlier here - I prefer the high vocals.

I don't know which vocals are easier for Mr. V to sing with, but the deep vocals (like with his early work and with Otyg) always sounded really forced. Like he was singing in a lower register that wasn't natural for him. The high vocals just sound more relaxed and free.
I didn't say I prefer the lower vocals. I said I like both low and high vocals and they should both be utilized instead of just one vocal dimension. Maybe a little bit more growls too.
I didn't say I prefer the lower vocals. I said I like both low and high vocals and they should both be utilized instead of just one vocal dimension. Maybe a little bit more growls too.

Oh, I wasn't pointing out your opinion in particular :), I was just mentioning mine in general. Despite the CD laying on my desk for two weeks now, I've finally had a chance to give it a good listen a couple of days ago. However, I have seen others comment here on how they prefer the lower to the higher.
Oh, I wasn't pointing out your opinion in particular :), I was just mentioning mine in general. Despite the CD laying on my desk for two weeks now, I've finally had a chance to give it a good listen a couple of days ago. However, I have seen others comment here on how they prefer the lower to the higher.

I like Vintersorg singing, any kind of vocals he does. I appreciate the lower vocals of their early works with Vintersorg, and if I don't remember badly, I think he hasn't sung like that with Borknagar. It could be very interesting to hear Borknagar with that kind of vocals maybe in one song or a part of a song. But, of course, I like the highest vocals too.

And I like Lars singing in Fleshflower. It reminds me a little to Solefald, because of the vocals, I guess.
So, I've had the album for a little while now(got my dragon box :kickass:) and I love it. One of those albums that gets better with every listen and I have listened to it a lot (obsessively since I got it). Very pleased that I got the Box, love the 2 bonus tracks, love the extra borknagoodies. Universal has lived up to my very high expectations. (Endless amounts of praise and thanks for making such a wonderful album.)

Oh great story to, my partner ordered Universal for me and I wasn't expecting it to arrive for maybe 2 weeks (always takes for ever to get stuff here in Australia) and a few days later it arrives gift wrapped with a card, Best present ever!
Don't you think it's a little bit low in the mix? I feel the same for guitars.

I think Lars's voice is quite distinctive, but I agree on the guitars. It was very surprising for me that, for the first time in my life, it was more difficult for me to listen to the guitars than the bass :confused: . The guitars are definitely very low in the mix, it was the last thing I noticed, with some difficulty; all the riffs of the album are excellent, and the solos are brilliant too.
Are there actually at times three layers of voices on 'Worldwide'? :hypno:

well, I must say that it's at least six or eight voices..as I overdub every harmony, so for example...if it's three harmonies it's six separate voices..and the math continues..

mr V
Worldwide has my fave vocal lines on the new album!!..it sounds truly majestic!!

I also love the melody/solo at the of "reason", and i´m wondering who played..oystein of jens?
That's wondrous, is it the one that has the most layers of voices on the entire record?

No, Loci has at least 36 voices at the end..there I overdubbed at least 4 times on each vocal"thing" and I think some of the parts are overdubbed 8 times. Still it doesn't sound that vast, and some of that is actually effected by that I used the overdubbs that sounded the most like. Retrospectivly I would perhaps used some that sounded different toi get a vaster "Choir feeling".

mr V
No, Loci has at least 36 voices at the end..there I overdubbed at least 4 times on each vocal"thing" and I think some of the parts are overdubbed 8 times. Still it doesn't sound that vast, and some of that is actually effected by that I used the overdubbs that sounded the most like. Retrospectivly I would perhaps used some that sounded different toi get a vaster "Choir feeling".

mr V

Amazing, is that a world record hahaha? I'll pay more attention to Loci in that sense, although obviously the voices do stand out. Let's see how many I can hear.
Gahhh, I'm just so in love with this album. I'm so glad, it just blossomed the more I listened to it. The first 5 times I got through it I didn't like it at all, but now it's shaping up to be one of my (if THE) favorites of Borknagars albums!
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