Unknown Lefay CD


As Good As Dead
Jun 7, 2002
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Hey, at the local metal store the other day, I snatched up a Morgana Lefay CD that I had no idea existed.

Self titled, bullet on the cover, 1999 release through Black Mark. Looks like two Persson's, one on Vox.

Certainly different than everything else I've heard; it kinda reminds me of Annihilator -- the vocals especially. Because its Lefay, I like it.:p Especially Loaded Gun and Lie.

I didn't expect this. The Lefay web doesn't mention this CD, nor anywhere else. I don't have some sort of demo, do I? Maybe the last CD in their Black Mark contract or something.

I knew I should have found an old thread on this, but I'm not that patient...

So this is the work of the pre-Lefay, Morgana Lefay non-ex-members created following the Lefay/Morgana Lefay split.

I did notice that none of the current Lefay members (esp. Charles and Tony) were involved in this CD. And nobody seemed to have heard this CD (at the time of that thread), so I'd be interested to hear what anyone has to say about this disc.

Don't know if the split, aside from the label problems, was friendly. The Symphony of the Damned CD showed the original and current lineups so I take it Lefay gives the previous bandmates props.