Unless Maiden can come up with a huge surprise, I think...


Thinking is overrated
Dec 28, 2002
Costa Rica
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... the album of the year goes to Evergrey - Recreation Day. What an amazing album, as usual with Evergrey it took me more than a few listens to realize how brilliant it is. Tom is one of my favorite singers, he can put so much emotion into it, and his work on this one is spectacular. The guitar riffs and solos have improved a lot (check the song Recreation Day, mind blowing) and the keys, drums and bass are really solid. God I LOVE this band, I'm not sure if they're my favorite prog band, it's them or Symphony X.

Anyway, if you haven't heard it yet, check it out....
I didn't like Recration Day that much...

IMO,the album of the year is either Souvenirs (the Gathering) or Gravity (anekdoten)...Accelerated Evolution (Devin Townsend) is pretty good as well...
I still need to check out Evergrey's newest album. I have heard nothing but a good about it. Right now album of the year for me is Rabbit Don't Come Easy by Helloween or Epica by Kamelot. Rheingold by Grave Digger is way up there too as well as Passage To The Otherside by Seven Witches. By the end of the year I plan on typing a big detailed top 25 albums of the year.
BloodStainedWalls said:
Get Dead Soul Tribe - A Murder of Crows

Yeah, I wasn't realy impressed with there first CD, but A Murder of Crows was the year's biggest surprise. So far.

My two picks fr best of 2003 so far are:
Esmerine-If Only A Sweet Surrender To The Nights To Come Be True
Elend-Winds Devouring Men

followed closely by:
The Devin Townsend Band-Accelerated Evolution
Disapponitments so far:

Soilwork-Figure Number Five
So Soilwork takes all the songs that weren't good enough for the Natural Born Chaos cut and releases them as a CD?

OSI-This is very, very average stuff from very, very talented musicians.
Maiden won't even make the top 10 this year!
Enslaved Below the Lights is probably on top at the moment, but i'm waiting for Falkenbach and Dimension Zero, maybe Stratovarius has a chance...