Unparalelled Beauty...


I rule at everything
Oct 28, 2002
Queensland, Australia
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Hey guys, I'm new to this forum.

I was just listening to DHIADW for like the 100 000th time, and it still has not failed to dig at my emotions every single time I hear it. I don't know what it is about Nevermore, their songs are just so fucken deep... it just amazes me the way these songs can make me feel.

With Nevermore I can just lie there on the floor and listen... pondering life and whatnot and getting a true feeling of what it is to be alive. Its fucken weird, no other band (apart from early metallica) has ever had that effect on me. Its their sound. Its just so fucken strong and... emotional... I don't know, this is way hard to explain but I think you will all agree with me.

Take this for example; I can be fully pissed at my girlfriend over some stupid insignificant shit, then I'll chuck on some Nevermore (DHIADW especially), listen to tracks 2, 4, 6, 9, 10 or 11, and just picture her eyes/face... no more anger, and I know its only like cause of the music, but I think I feel somethign resembling love... now that is some fucking KILLER music.

I should be doing my information processing and technology assignment right now, but I had to share this, and from the looks of it you guys hopefully will understand.

Post your thought.

PiNkMaGGiT \m/:D \m/
welcome to the mysterious realm of the Nevermore tunnel :) Nevermore has music for every mood...

even getting high and fucking in the garden!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

music is the key to anything, could piss you off, anger you, or even lift your spirts when you feel like a pile of dogshit... welcome to the board, stick around a while, and await the release of Enemies of Reality with some pretty damn dedicated Nevermore fans
Thanks man, this looks like a pretty cool place to be, I think I will stick around :)

I totally agree with you on the stoned thing... I remember one time I got high on some particularly strong bush... it was a nice high... and I was listening to Opeth. Man that made me feel so weird... I felt like an elf or something... it must have been the folk influences in their music and whenever it got heavy I would hide under my bed. I was playing out like an Opeth story in my head, I was like a village elf and the heavy bits meant the monsters were coming.

Yes I was rather baked:D

Seriously though, I think I'd be lost without music... its kind of like a channel for me to relive my experiences and look forward to many new ones.

PiNkMaGGIT \m/:D \m/
"Seriously though, I think I'd be lost without music... its kind of like a channel for me to relive my experiences and look forward to many new ones. "

Like all of us here(and those who left this board for some ... reasons... ). BTW, welcome. :)
Originally posted by dead6skin6mask6

even getting high and fucking in the garden!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

yea welcome that's how i feel about that one song by saigon kick "love is on the way" but then i come to reality and throw in some TESTAMENT OR NEVERMORE AND GO BREAK SHIT
and yup. we all (most of us) feel the same.
but Opeth doesnt have folk influences in it. i come from the same country and our "folk" SUCKS. opeth on the other hand doesnt. :p
otherwise have fun here.

and btw DSM, what happened to Zob Rombie? i hardly ever see him here
Ahhhh...Nevermore will do that to you. It doesn't matter which CD you listen too...they all offer a few moments of escape from the everyday shit that goes on.

My favorite thing to do...smoke a fat blunt, run the bath,( with lots of bubbles!!!!) light a couple of candles, pop in some Nevermore, and crank the fucking stereo!!!!

Now that's relaxing!
Originally posted by lizard
and fire up some patchouli incense.

Hahahahaha...those are nice, but Yankee Candles are much better than incense!!! Such lovely flavors Yankee has!!!
candles? incense? i thought those were only made to mask the smell of weed. people actually LIKE the smell of that shit? thats insane!! hehe.
Glad to see so many of you share my opinions :D

BTW, Opeth is the closest thing in my music collection to sounding 'folk' (not that I really know what folk sounds like), therefore to me it has folk influences. I am simple-minded like that :)

PiNkMaGGiT \m/:D \m/
Originally posted by neal
"candles? incense? i thought those were only made to mask the smell of weed. people actually LIKE the smell of that shit? thats insane!! hehe."

Naw man, the candles set a mood...ya smoke weed in berry blunt wraps to mask the smell....ppl will think you've been having breakfast at the IHOP, (smells like syrup when burnt) which is awesome if you're gonna wake and bake....funny at 8 pm!!!

Join me for a Leary biscuit neal?