let's take a look back.....how/where did everyone find out about nevermore?

Went to see Mercyful Fate in '99 and had no clue who was opening for them. After the first couple of songs I turned to my old man and said "WOW, these guys are great!" To which he said "You know, I think that's Warrel Dane." I was like "Oh my God, you're right!" Sure enough, they busted out with an old Sanctuary song and we freaked! The next day, we stopped at a local mall and bought every Nevermore CD. It was the best 2 hour ride home!!!!!!

I's first heard 'bout Nevermore back in '99 when my friend, Reggae's band: Reign Of Terror supported them at the now defunct (closed down) Gypsy Bar in Canberra (the capital of Australia) and Reggae got Warrel Dane so trashed (drunk) that he could only preform the Nevermore set with a cordless microphone and lying on a couch at the back of the bar. According to my's firends who were there (I's wasn't told 'bout the gig 'til 2 weeks later), Warrel couldn't even stand before they played but really thrashed out to the support bands. Reggae sez that Warrel & the rest of the Nevermore boys were the coolest band he's ever supported on tour.
I's myself got into Nevermore 'bout a year later when "Dead Heart" came out & I's first got in back in '01 after I's was attacked in the City, taken to hospital & founds that I's had $30 which was for my taxi home. So, I's went out & got "Dead Heart" the day after. I's been collecting Nevermore ever since & now I's have all four CDs & the "In Memory" EP (I's would have got the limited European boxset of "Dead Heart" but some cunt got it before I's could:( ).
Well, that's my's tale of how I's fell in love with Nevermore.
Thank you for listening
The Pimp NeonBlack:rock: :flame: :wave:
actually, as amusing as this may sound, i found out about nevermore through a wrestler, better known as Raven, who, used to wrestle for a now non-existant company, which was WCW. he wore a nevermore shirt on occasion, and it had the cover of the self-titled album on the front. i thought Raven was a cool guy and i knew he was really into good metal, so i downloaded a few nevermore mp3s and have loved them ever since. if you read the credits and the notes from the band on the inside of the cd booklet for DHIADW, the band thanks Raven for wearing their shirts. some of you may remember reading it, im sure
I actually had both Sanctuary tapes from when I was in Columbia house at the ripe old age of 14. I never really listened to them, but in '99 I decided to go through my old tapes and decide which were worth getting on CD. ITMB blew me away; no idea how I overlooked it for so long. I went online to find out what happened to the band and read that Nevermore had some members, so I checked out the S/T and bought it. Then I got the rest. I got DHIADW the day it came out; the only copy the local Media Play had in stock (no other stores even had it). A guy that was working there knew where to find it, so I think he was stashing it to buy himself. Poor bastard, but yay for me.
Was reading a Metal 'zine back in the late '80s & there was an article about some band that Dave Mustaine had "discovered", & he was producing their debut album. The band was Sanctuary, & the album was Refuge Denied. All my fears about MegaDave's production skills (Or, lack of) were well founded, but I found that I liked the band anyways. So, when Into The Mirror Black came out, I picked it up & was absolutely blown away! They became my new favorite band, replacing Metallica even before they really started sucking. When they broke up, I was definitely bummed to say the least. Fast forward to 1995, & I am listening to a local Metal radio show, & they played a song that was reminiscent of Sanctuary, so I called the station to find out who it was. It was, of course, Nevermore. I went out the next day & bought the CD. I wasn't totally blown away, but thought it was better than just about anything else being released at that time. However, when PoE came out, they once again regained their place as my favorite band.
