Unreleased song from my band/MELODIC HARDCORE


Apr 15, 2011
So I just finished tracking this out and did what I could mix wise for it, not really sure where to go from here. Been mixing for about 2 weeks now, so I'm pretty new. I'm open to all suggestion/criticism, and preferably advice on how to improve it. The guitar work is sloppy, I'm a drummer and I don't play much, so yeah, but it's passable for a demo.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8879741/Red n White rough.mp3

Thanks in advance guys.
Guitars have too much low mids I think. And they lead tone is a bit too high in the mix. There's some mix distortion going on as well. Otherwise I think it's really effin' cool!
i agree with morten on this one, your rhythm tone is really low-middy and really really muddy, and the drums sound like they are pumping in the overheads, but i think the snare sounds pretty alright, the kick doesnt have enough attack for my liking, The bass tone fits in the mix alright but the tone itself doesnt have any presence to it, but thats just in my headphones , otherwise I love the veil of maya feel to the tone of the guitars, if you could stop the mix from distorting and add a bit more presence to them you'd have it :), great composition too
How can i add more attack to the kick with out making it too clicky in the high range? And i have absolutely no idea what to do for bass tone, i just screwed aroudn for like 30 seconds with the eq. Unless i turn the bass wayyy down, it overpowers the rhythm a lot, so i'm not sure how to give it presence without overpowering everything else. I'll try un-mudding the guitars by bringing down the low mids.
I agree with what's been said already. The guitars have too much low-mid end going on and could use a little bit of compression (IMO), and the lead tone is sitting a little high. I really dig this track though, you should upload the stems!
Stems=raw di's? And here's a re-mix. I took a buddy's advice and put a multi band compressor on it, he helped me with the settings. I also cut the low mids in the guitars, they sound a lot cleaner in my opinion. I also re-eq'd the leads a bit and automated them down in some places. I feel like it's an improvement but still needs work. And I still have no idea what to do for bass tones/eq. Also, I brought up the mids a bit on the kick to make it "clickier". Let me know what you think.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8879741/red ne white remixed2.mp3
As much as I hate metalcore, this song has some really nice melodies.

For more attack on the kick use a compressor with a slower attack that lets more of the transient through, but adjust the threshold and compression ratio to your liking.

I'd use a high pass filter on the guitars up till about 100Hz so the bass can take up more of the bass end.

Try cutting a lot of mids from the bass to which should make some more room for the guitars. That should make them easier to be heard without having to turn them up loads.

Drums could do with some reverb too, and some more high pass filtering on the cymbals too.

I'd really like to hear an updated mix, this songs pretty cool
As much as I hate metalcore, this song has some really nice melodies.

For more attack on the kick use a compressor with a slower attack that lets more of the transient through, but adjust the threshold and compression ratio to your liking.

I'd use a high pass filter on the guitars up till about 100Hz so the bass can take up more of the bass end.

Try cutting a lot of mids from the bass to which should make some more room for the guitars. That should make them easier to be heard without having to turn them up loads.

Drums could do with some reverb too, and some more high pass filtering on the cymbals too.

I'd really like to hear an updated mix, this songs pretty cool

Thanks a lot for the advice. I'm not at home atm, but as soon as I am I'll give this a shot and update the mix.
By stems he means if you export the wav or MIDI files etc for each track from the same point so people can download it and have a go at mixing, I'd really love a chance to mix this.
I've been up all night messing with the mix, and I got something I'm much happier with, but still not satisfied or done with. I'm getting some weird digital distortion/clicking in logic when i playback so I can't mix anymore till i fix it. I completely re eq'd and compressed the kick and snare and I'm happier with them, but they're still not perfect. I can't seem to get the bass to stand out without overpowering other things. Especially at 1:57ish when the bass is the driving rhythm. Anyways, let me know what you think. All this feedback is very helpful. And I would love to upload the stems, just let me know how and I'll do it.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8879741/rednwhite new snare.mp3
The snare and kick in post #12 are the best sounding, I think. All you need to do is export your DI tracks as audio files, logic can straight export or bounce as an audio file. After that, you can export your MIDI (logic has a specific menu item, "export (selection) as MIDI") for the drums.
I'll export the tracks for you soon. Any idea as to why i might be getting digital distortion/clicking/skipping in playback? My cpu usage is going pretty high, but no matter how many plugins i turn off, it still does it.
Are you getting a 'system overload' message? Go into preferences, then 'audio' at the top, 'devices' and then 'core audio'. Check the I/O buffer size, process buffer range and rewire behavior. If I had to guess logic is set up to process faster than your computer can process, it happened to me and I kept getting the system overload message.
Try adjusting your buffer settings in the preferences pane, you'll probably get more latency but if you're mixing that won;t be much of an issue
All my buffer settings are set to low. I just restarted logic and I dont have a problem anymore so i guess maybe my cpu needed a break, haha. I'm gonna export the DI's/midi now. Beware that my guitarwork is really, really sloppy at points.