Until Eternity Ends (EP)


Apr 14, 2005
Kauai, Hawaii.
alright, i love this ep and i was wondering something...HOW COME I CAN'T FIND ANYTHING ON IT?! i can't find lyrics, tabs, nothing. it's quite frustrating. can any of you help? ^__^ thanks in advance.
Because you haven't tabbed it out, and everyone just wants to have it. :)
the lyrics aren't included in the booklet.Although the lyrics of the first song fly around here in the forum. Try to find them.
hahahah, i wish i could tab them myself. the closest i get to that is fixing minor mistakes in tabs that i've found. also, i've been trying to find them (though not on this forum, i'll do that i guess), but to no avail. that's why i'm asking for help :)
ahhh, thank you so very much for the lyrics ^___^. and i've have powertab for a while now, great program. too bad there's noting on this album ;-;
Yeah! Until Eternity Ends is great. And that The Police - Invisible Sun cover is much better than that original. I love that cover. It's one of the best I have ever heard :) :D :rock: