Upcoming gigs you are going to..

I hate people who are trying to out them. I have know its Tobias for years but now that its out in the mainstream everybody needs to shout it, like they need to prove something. Let em do their thing damnit.
haha yeah i agree actually. It's part of the show. as long they keep with the good music i'm ok.
I enjoy most of their songs but it's a little strange though, because they dress up in these ultra-satanic costumes and then they have this really, really soft sound :lol:

I wouldnt say its "ultrasatanic", Watain is ultrasatanic. There is some kind of charm to Ghosts look, it goes very well with the music.
Even if they have a rock&roll sound and play rock with pop-elements there are also alot of doomy tunes and metalriffs in there.
I mean.. the image is like with KISS and Alice Cooper.. and Ghosts music is defenitely darker than both of them, not harder, but darker. The way they pull it off is just genius imo and in some way the package ends up more evil than the stereotypical black metal bands. The same goes for The Devils Blood.
They were The support act to Watain, it just so happened that repugnant also played that night as support act hehe

:lol: perhaps I am but I had never heard them before that and there were still people who had like Ghost t-shirts and Ghost backpatches and stuff so I was expecting something awesome. They came out on stage looking like they do and I got my hopes up and everyone went crazy and then they started playing....me my friend looked at eachother and went like "wtf is this shit" then we sent to drink beer instead....
Depends on what you classify as "old school rock" but I like alot of old shit including a certain alice cooper that someone mentioned before...if you think I know so little that you compare me to a justin beiber fan then DIE!!! and go fuck yourself with a papa emeritus dildo! :)

And you know what is worthelss? Denmark is fucking worthless is what it is...no but if you are going to start with shit like that then everything here is useless I guess....