Upcoming Milwaukee show at the Rave

Rob K

Loyal horde member
Dec 10, 2003
Madison, WI. USA
Since Ludacris and Chingy ( :ill: ) are playing the same night as Hypocrisy and Cannibal, do you think we will be stuck in the damn basement again?

I'm really hoping not, but I have no reason to believe otherwise. I guess I'm hoping someone here has some inside info and can tell me differently.

I wish they would use the original Rave on the first floor again! :err:
Shows there were awesome.
Rob K said:
Since Ludacris and Chingy ( :ill: ) are playing the same night as Hypocrisy and Cannibal, do you think we will be stuck in the damn basement again?

I'm really hoping not, but I have no reason to believe otherwise. I guess I'm hoping someone here has some inside info and can tell me differently.

I wish they would use the original Rave on the first floor again! :err:
Shows there were awesome.
Well, since Cannibal is headlining, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that they will be playing the Rave room. Ludacris will be in the Eagles Ballroom(and hopefully choke on his own bile, the bastard) and Chingy will be in the basement. Cannibal Corpse has way too much notoriety now than to be limited to the shittiest stage in a building. And Hypocrisy, now with Horgh, will hopefully be able to take advantage of the better sound.
was the last show in the basement? i wasnt able to make it i had to work :( was it packed tight?? id imagine such a killer show would have sold out?
The Scourge said:
Ludacris will be in the Eagles Ballroom(and hopefully choke on his own bile, the bastard) and Chingy will be in the basement.

LOL! I was under the assumption that Ludacris and Chingy were the same show. I sure hope you're right and we don't get stuck in the damn basement again.

Centinex - yeah, the last show with Dimmu was in the basement. It wasn't that packed, really.

It doesn't seem like they even use the original Rave anymore :erk: ; I sure hope I'm wrong.
the last couple shows i been to were in the basement too. is there less of a turnout for metal shows or something?
a couple years ago when i seen amorphis there (the normal stage) they had some fag fest downstairs with the glow necklaces, are they having those in the upstairs room now??
centinex said:
the last couple shows i been to were in the basement too. is there less of a turnout for metal shows or something?
a couple years ago when i seen amorphis there (the normal stage) they had some fag fest downstairs with the glow necklaces, are they having those in the upstairs room now??

As for turnout I don't think metal is as popular as it once was - like in the early '90s. But I'm thankful that it's getting a little bigger - did you ever have the "pleasure" of seeing a show in the Rave BAR? I saw several death metal shows in that bar with that shitty little stage!

I'm talking about shows like Cannibal and Six Feet Under.... in that little bar!

Luckily I haven't been to the Rave when they've had those fag fests. :tickled: So, I don't know where they have those or if they still do.
yeah i seen nevermore and arch enemy in that crappy little shithole a few years ago. it wasnt very packed so it wasnt too bad. i couldnt imagine cannibal corpse and six feet under in the bar though, itd be a little to stinky in there for me.. too many people.

in nov i saw six feet under in the basement though, it was a decent turnout, not NEARLY as many people as when they played with candiria in 2000 i think it was?

I guess we'll find out tonight where the show is. I'm hyped!!!!


Who's gonna be there tonight?

PS - I hope The Scourge is correct about the Rave.
ill be there
was there any drink tickets for this? my cousin gave me a link to print them out but i lost the url :(
You bet your sweet Wisconsin asses I will be there as well. Should be an excellent show, although it looks like the stage is going to be the Eagles Ballroom. It is bigger, but the sound is shitty up there. Oh well, I am sure that Hypocrisy will slay. They better fuckin play Slave To The Parasites FFS!!!!!!! :headbang:
As long as it's not in the basement I will be pretty happy.

I 'd love to hear Slave to the Parasites, but I didn't think I saw it in any reported setlists. New World rocks as well.

Centinex - I didn't get any damn 2-drink minimum tix. You had the link? Can you possibly find it again???????
i got the tickets last minute! were you able to find any?
i only had to pay $13 with the drink tickets, what was the actual price?

that was probably the best show ive ever been to. i was RIGHT in front of peter for their whole set, theyre amazing live. (it was my first time seein em)

highlights of the night:
born dead buried alive
fire in the sky
roswell 47

and i seen some goth chick leave the left side of the stage near the pit just bawling, during cannibal corpse. im not sure what happened there.. maybe alex webster blew her a kiss or something

i got the 2004 tour shirt & the arrival shirt and a free sticker & poster from the merch dude. that guy was pretty cool, usually the guys that sell bands' shit are a bunch of assholes.
centinex - you lucky bastid! I bought both shirts as well, but the guy didn't give me SHIT! $13 is amazingly cheap when it INCLUDES two drinks!
I paid the normal price - $17 (which was still cheap as shit since they advertised $23 or $24 on The Rave's website). The only thing that pisses me off is the $6 they charge for a beer! Outrageous! :erk:

I was in the 2nd row of people for Hypocrisy - a little to the left of Peter. Did you see that jerkoff with the big black hair that pushed his way to the front where he then proceeded to annoy everyone with his head-thrashing? (I sure hope that wasn't The Scourge - LOL!). I got sick of getting slapped in the face by his mop. I was glad when people around him got fed up and shoved him away from the front. I helped with glee. Of course he was undaunted and proceeded to move to the middle and continued annoying people. It was great when some guy got on the mic after Hypo was done and told him to get the fuck out.

I saw Jack Owen (Cannibal) walking around in the crowd all night, but I wasn't sure it was him so I didn't say anything. I wish I would have now.

I seriously want Hypocrisy to headline a tour and play about 20 or more songs. I wanted more when they were done. Great show. :headbang:
really? i thought he was giving the stickers to everybody.
damn. i hope that guy sells their shit next time hypocrisy makes it to town :D

$17!!!?? WOW! on the ticketmaster.com link from the rave's site it said $14 holy shit.

yea i know what guy youre talking about, i think i actually know him. i was hanging out with his friends during part of the show, i never actually got to see him to be sure, they just said "so and so got kicked out" i think his name was justin? i know about 30 people named justin.
didnt he break down that metal barrier and thats how he got kicked out?

i was surrounded by huge sweaty guys and a few girls over by the right side of the stage, the one girl next to me i think was intentionally trying to poke my eyes out with her hair. i had to hold my hand up a few times to push that shit away.

i think i seen mikael of hypocrisy walking around during vile (or somebody that looked a hell of a lot like him), i wasnt sure if it was him so i didnt approach him.

i would have been happy if hypocrisy played the entire show. id sit there for hours and watch them play, they are definately not a boring live band.

i hope they come back for metalfest.
Rob K said:
I was in the 2nd row of people for Hypocrisy - a little to the left of Peter. Did you see that jerkoff with the big black hair that pushed his way to the front where he then proceeded to annoy everyone with his head-thrashing? (I sure hope that wasn't The Scourge - LOL!).
Hehehe, unfortunately I am not so bold, nor agressive at most shows. I am usually the guy who hangs around at the back away from the chaos so I can enjoy the sonic nuances in somewhat tranquil peace :) I did see that guy though, and I have seen him there before. He is just a confused moron that wants to show the world how great he can headbang. You probably can't blame the guy though, I am sure that he doesn't spend that much time out of his mom's basement, so he has to vent somehow. Anyways, I was the guy towards the back with a Vital Remains shirt on, usually smoking a cigarette, and completely lost in the genius that is Hypocrisy :headbang:
did you have a dechristianize shirt on and (what looked like) curly hair? in the cannibal corpse pit i happened to catch that shirt out of the corner of my eye
centinex said:
did you have a dechristianize shirt on and (what looked like) curly hair? in the cannibal corpse pit i happened to catch that shirt out of the corner of my eye
Nope, it was a shirt I bought on their Dawn of the Apocalypse tour(the God Killers Tour with Deicide back in 2000). No curly hair either, just straight, long, and brown. I kept yelling Slave To The Parasites if you happened to notice that, hehe. Great show nonetheless though, but like Rob K says, I really hope they come back for a headlining tour like they did back in 2002 when I caught them in Chicago at the Metro with Soilwork.
Hello all, I'm new to the board! I've been a huge Hypocrisy fan since The Fourth Dimension days! I was at the show in Milwaukee and thought i'd post the setlist:

Born Dead Buried Alive
Fusion Programmed MInds
Adjusting The Sun
Turn The Page
Fire In The Sky
God Is A Lie
Roswell 47

Excellent show, I wish the sound was better! The Rave Sucks!
yeah! i heard slave to the parasites bein yelled, along with the rest of their catalog :D
what does that vital remains shirt look like? does it have the apocolypse cover on it?
centinex said:
yeah! i heard slave to the parasites bein yelled, along with the rest of their catalog :D
what does that vital remains shirt look like? does it have the apocolypse cover on it?
Nope. It is just the logo on the front, logo on one sleeve, "Bloodwar" on the other and on the back it says God Killers Tour 2000 and shows a pentagram drawn through a bleeding America. I usually wear that one to mass.