Upcoming PQ tour


Warrior type
Apr 29, 2005
Worcester, UK
Are you guys willing to give any snippets away about where you might be playing at all, or is it all hush hush? :)

I'd also like this chance to make a plea for you to play a gig in Worcester or somewhere like Brum or Wolves, I was gutted to have missed the one at the Underworld last year :(
Hi mate.....good to have you on the forum!

As far as tour dates go at the moment, our labels are currently dealing with this side of things. Although I have an idea of what is going to happen...nothing is cast in stone at the moment so I can't really confirm anything at this stage I'm afraid. As soon as I do....it'll be posted here first dude!

Sorry you missed the Underworld gig...good fun that was!
You know I'm gonna say this...you gotta make 'em give you a slot somewhere in the South West. Throw stones at them or something :p
I pray that Japan will be listed on the tour date.
This new album will make PQ more more famous here in Japan, I suppose.
And that makes it much easier to come and play in Japan.

We, all the PQ fans in Japan, are waiting for you coming.
70-90 mins

Or do "an evening with powerquest"

No support, start at 9pm, play all 3 albums in their entirety with a 20minute intermission between each.

THAT, i would cancel a date with the chick from epica for...

Actually, i'd just take her along, but that's not the point.
Yeah, guess we're not being helpful, but "As Long As Humanly Possible" sounds goof to me. As for that "Evening with PQ" idea Gavin, it sounds like the best thing. Ever. Although would the realistically be able to play all 3 albums in one night? Even with breaks, that's got to be punishing work!