Upcoming Shows June 04

Saturday, June 12th
Pine St. Bar & Grill
875 Rincon Ave.
Livermore, CA
Show Starts at 8:00 (We go on around 10:30)
$5.00 cover charge (21+)
(We will be playing a full 70 minutes and will be playing every song from our upcoming album "Devil's On Both Sides")

Friday, June 25th
Metal Church
Murder machine
The Pound SF (415) 826-9202
100 Cargo Way
San Francisco, CA
Show Starts at 7:00 (We'll be on approx. 9:30)
$12.00 Advanced $14.00 at the door (All Ages)

Saturday, July 31st
NCMU.com Presents
Thunder In The North
5429 Telegraph Ave.
Oakland, CA
Show Starts at 6:00
$12.00 or $10.00 if you are wearing an NCMU shirt
I did everthing I could to make it to the show this last Saturday in Livermore -- it's as close to me as most Sac shows...but damn, I couldn't escape the grasp of work.

How was it?????
Insania said:
I did everthing I could to make it to the show this last Saturday in Livermore -- it's as close to me as most Sac shows...but damn, I couldn't escape the grasp of work.

How was it?????

The venue was shit as they kept telling us to turn down! We've played there before a couple of years ago and didn't have any issue volume wise but for some reason it's a problem now. We were going to play a long 70 minute set but cut it in half just to get the fuck out of there! Good thing work kept you busy. The Pound show should be a little more volume friendly.

Insania said:
I did everthing I could to make it to the show this last Saturday in Livermore -- it's as close to me as most Sac shows...but damn, I couldn't escape the grasp of work.

How was it?????

We played "The Conflict".
Yeah that place was lame! The first band put the place in a mellowed mood. Then all of the sudden it was in your face metal and the owner freaked out! Like Steve said we played there in the past with other loud metal bands and it was no issue. I just don't think they were ready for us that night. Fuck those weak-ass pansies!

To all the Metal fans that came out to see us, sorry for the short set but being ask to turn down after every song was too annoying. Come out to the Metal Church gig on June 25th! That will be a great gig for all metal fans!!!

NP: Disarmonia Mundi "Common State Of Inner Violence"
Whats funny about it is that you could hear her screaming "Turn it Down !!!"
OVER the music ....What a joke.

Strange you should mention 'The Conflict" Pooch, thats what I named the video of the show that night....."The Conflict Of Livermore".

......."that's why you should play a club instead of a f***ing bar !"
- Norman Skinner
I think that club is going to become less and less metal friendly. The closed off the smoking courtyard because the neighbors complained about the noise and now you have to smoke around the corner past the red line. I can just tell that the neighborhood will keep complainung about one thing or another until they no longer feature live music or completely change what formats they allow. Next Pine St. show will have to be an all acoustic set... interesting thought.