Update at dot tk - Previously unseen interview and more ............

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002

In the homepage theres a little link called AROUND THE WEB

Click it and youll get a page full of new interviews and reviews. One interview with me and Dunc for Sonic Seducer magazine, Germany from last year was deemed unpublishable because of the content. Have fun. :wave:
"In a strange twist of irony, the first feature for 'From Around The Web' is a Sonic Seducer magazine interview with us both from 2003 that was never actually published because it was 'too metal'. How bizarre life can be ...."

"[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]When I look back, I realise that I should have left after The Silent Enigma and left them to it."

Well i hope you dont get your hands on one of those time machine jobbers

"are they thematically divided, like songs within songs?
in what way?

that a different part in a songs means dealing with a different subject

I dont understand. MICK?
haha err err... we dont .. er.. think ... about .. progressing ..

for example if you have a song containing some opulent and some minimalistic parts easy distinguishable from each other
theres loads of different parts all over the album

in an acoustic way would that mean the subject of the song has changed in that part?
I dunno"

Hahaha, good stuff.
are all the interviews on that page new mick? or just the ones on top? i cant remeber if i've read those at the lower part...
Mick Moss said:
Most of them have dates on them relating to how new or old they are. I dont think Ive published any of them on t.k. before
i thought that too, they dont seem familiar. cheers.
Yeah I should actually. I jumped the gun a bit putting that up, but it was originally the plan. After 2003 though we looked back and thought 'Fuck this - time for a break'