update this coming friday possibly

That's awesome news that at this rate, they'll sell out. I'm still holding out hope for Grave Digger as a headliner, but I have a feeling he's still trying to get after Running Wild. As for the bands added, I can't even guess. Curious what the "something cool with Oz" thing is.

dont hold your breath for Grave Digger or Running Wild THIS year.
Not to sound like an ass, but does the fest really need an overhaul of advertising if it's likely it's going to be a sellout?

You are basing a lot on the potential walk up sales accounting for over 50% of the venue's capacity to reach sell out. And that's also making the assumption that walk ups are going to buy a 2 day ticket.

On top of that, that's assuming that over 200 2 day tickets have been sold.

Bottom line - Potential for sell out? Absolutely!!!!!
Would increasing advertising assist in this? If you believe the answer is no, then I would never want you working for my company (if I owned one!! LOL)
You are basing a lot on the potential walk up sales accounting for over 50% of the venue's capacity to reach sell out. And that's also making the assumption that walk ups are going to buy a 2 day ticket.

On top of that, that's assuming that over 200 2 day tickets have been sold.

Bottom line - Potential for sell out? Absolutely!!!!!
Would increasing advertising assist in this? If you believe the answer is no, then I would never want you working for my company (if I owned one!! LOL)

I believe he's basing it on this, posted in the original post and the RMA facebook:
"More good news: all calculable data suggests we will sell out. I may even start confirming the 2014 headliners because of it."
Furthermore Simon, you have to understand.........
The two top tier bands for this are OMEN and OZ.
The majority of their old school fans are NOT the types who comb Ultimate Metal or follow the latest Ragnarokkr news on FB.

There are people (such as my older brother and his friends) who truly first find out about shows from the Reader and the Illinois Entertainer.

Reggies has a full page ad in the IE. I have suggested to Bob that they contact Reggies to dedicate a quarter of their page for the next few months to Ragnarokkr. I mean, they did it for Screeching Weasel, they can do it for Ragnarokkr!
I believe he's basing it on this, posted in the original post and the RMA facebook:
"More good news: all calculable data suggests we will sell out. I may even start confirming the 2014 headliners because of it."

Hey, I certainly hope this is true...............

Would be nice if even some of the bands could get some Blabbermouth headlines promoting the event.
Just discovered this band Wulfhook from Detroit, sounds like pretty cool power/speed metal with solid vocals. Might site really nicely on second stage


thanks!!!! I have been having a pain of a time finding the last 2 bands fo the second stage!!! this band would fit puuuurrrrfectly as my cat wouls say. good looking out brother!
Furthermore Simon, you have to understand.........
The two top tier bands for this are OMEN and OZ.
The majority of their old school fans are NOT the types who comb Ultimate Metal or follow the latest Ragnarokkr news on FB.

There are people (such as my older brother and his friends) who truly first find out about shows from the Reader and the Illinois Entertainer.

Reggies has a full page ad in the IE. I have suggested to Bob that they contact Reggies to dedicate a quarter of their page for the next few months to Ragnarokkr. I mean, they did it for Screeching Weasel, they can do it for Ragnarokkr!

and I have suggested to you that you contact Mike and tell him this info. I do agree advertising this in the Reader and IE would be huge for extra ticket sales but those ads cost a lot. Again...money is tight so you have to figure....do you put this towards a good band or an ad which in the end may only bring in 3 more people.

Sure Omen and Oz have lots of older fans but as we have seen...older fans dont come out to shows anyways.

again...discuss this with mike. You guys can argue about it till you are blue in the face.
I am not arguing anything. Just stating my opinion on the matter.
If this can sell out without advertising, then awesome!!!!

Not sure with a festival such as this you can make a statement that you aren't worried about attracting older fans.

I don't think your average 18 to 25 year old fan is popping boners over Oz, Omen, Ashbury, Viking, Sleepy Hollow, or Shok Paris.
Heck, most in that category havent even heard of those bands, let alone know of them.

Well, ok, maybe I will stop here, since if a "young" crowd is what you feel the target audience is for this lineup, then yeah.....
Nothing more to be said.......
I am not saying that the fest doesnt want older people....it is the older people who dont come out to shows...point being...how often do you get out to shows???? Most older people have jobs / family / and other reasons why they cant get out to shows as often.

You always post the same thing over and over and over. Instead....talk to mike. Discuss it with him. He doesnt come here often. So posting about it over and over again isnt doing anything. So if you have an idea email him.

There are actually lots of young people now interested in the classic 80's bands. Again...lots of the presale tickets were by people ( young ) in fact who post once in a while on the facebook page about the fest. Even the bands I have been dealing with are all younger and totally thrilled to be playing a show with these classic acts.

I understand what you are saying but you are wasting your time on here posting the same stuff over and over again. Just go to mike and plead your case.
Wasting my time?
Just like you only posting new band announcements here, so the same 10 people who know about them already can read them again. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oldies would definitely put this on their calendar in between family/work commitments if they were made aware of it, liked the bands, and if the fest seriously played up the "once-in-a-lifetime" and "nostalgia" cards for those aging rockers.

Has Mike looked into paid adverts via Facebook? You'd be surprised at how many people can be reached that way. I know for example Scarab Promotions in Calgary (Noctis fest) started doing that 2 or 3 years ago and it's pretty much sold out every year since then (500+ tickets sold in smaller venues, close to 1000 in the larger halls) and this is talking bands like Root, Metsatoll, Manilla Road, Manegarm, Cynic and Grand Magus, all of which are one-off gigs. A few local bands here have scored distrobution deals with labels for their albums using that route as well.

That being said, you can't underestimate the youngsters and their internet connections in this matter! More 20-something-year-olds than ever are into obscure and underground metal from the 80's and such. The guys from Gatekrashor, Demon Bitch and Borrowed Time and my own band Gatekeeper are living examples of that. Lots of my friends love the lineup for this year's fest, but they're all paying off student loans and pouring money into their own bands and can't afford the $500 plane ticket from Canadia. Gotta find the kids that dream about Keep it True festival and advertise this fest as a closer, more affordable alternative because the line up is certainly comparable.

I'm glad to hear that the fest is projected to sell out, but let's not get caught up in wishful thinking too quick here
yeah Mike was considering doing the paid Facebook thing once the line up is all done.

What is boils down to is that every one has opinions on how things should be. Unfortunatly there is limited money and still lost money to be made back from the other years. Sure you have to break the cycle to get one step further. The lucky thing is that Chicago has a very large metal fan base. The case is just getting them to the show. Anyone can attest to the fact when there is a good show here...it is packed. Then when there is just an OK one...it is empty. It is almost a "luck of the draw" thing.

All I know is that things are looking good this year from what Mike is saying so that is positive right there.