While i'm "dwarfing" here on the vocals, i see the points you guys make.
Just recorded Demise and however i like it, I can see a lot of people will hate the vocals while they love the music.
There is no ego-thing, so i'm willing to hand over the mike to a better singer. (I have my own band to wank on) Bob's songs are too good to waste on bad vocals.
I'm glad my Diezel VH4 will be on this record, cause it's so damn raw. It will make the music even more brutal. But vocals are 50% of the sound, if not more.
Having said that, i know the contrast between the music and the vocals will be too much for a lot of people.
I would like people over here to make suggestions who would be great on TGM. Who would fit in the music and would be willing to record their vocals?
It might be worth while to ask either Niel or Jack of DIE. They're both pretty solid in the scream department, and Niel has been a regular UM member for years.
Just so you know, I didn't mind your voice but a lower register would probably fit a lot better. As others have said, it's more of a music thing than it is you.