Update ToxicGrindMachine

Man I dig that clip! I know that was a rough track with the vocals but I would add maybe a little distortion to the vocals or maybe not so up front?
Man I dig that clip! I know that was a rough track with the vocals but I would add maybe a little distortion to the vocals or maybe not so up front?

Yeah, i will mix the vocals in lower, it's basically overpowering a bit due to it not fitting in the mastered backing track, two compressors on the master track you see.
Bob, you gotta share the POD patch you used on that Vocal-tryout clip! It sounds amazing!

It's the patch Shane posted once :kickass: "B1g0 TS9 570AX"...

I turned off the tubescreamer though, more low end that way, not so tight, but that's minimal... i also edited the sound to my own liking offcourse, less fizzy since my guitar is quite sensitive with high end.

Two tracks, panned 94% left and 94% right.... no BBE on the guitar tracks anymore, just some C4 and some minor EQ'ing.

You still have the patch Jeff?
Sorry, don't like the vocals at all. They don't sound aggressive to me. More like a dwarf bitching ... :)

Here's a picture of me and Bob.:lol:

If you could squeeze a tad more aggression out of the vocals, you'd sound a lot like Shagrath from Dimmu borgir. I actually like your vocals alot, but it's a bit weak in a few spots. I think this album's gonna slay!
Thanks for the feedback guys.

m just going to mix in this vocal test into the nuendo project file tomorrow or tonight, see how that sounds... it will sound more in place and proper mixed in for sure.