
Chuck Billy

TL Blood
Apr 1, 2002
Bay Area
What's up everyone? Just wanted to let you know that on 'Valentine's Day' I had my FINAL two operations to remove a port from my chest and both surgeries were a complete success. Yesterday I had seen my surgeon Dr. Sweezer, the coolest cat out there, and he said "Get out there and enjoy life, YOUR DONE!" We said "Thanks and hope we never have to see you again." He laughed and said "Only at your concerts." So we are in full swing ahead. Practicing for our show in March in S.F. and our European tour in April. There are great offers out there for touring and we are in the process of working out schedules, so hang tight and we'll see you in the next coming months. Thanks for hanging in there with me and see ya soon.


And remember "METAL FOREVER!"
Originally posted by Chuck Billy
What's up everyone? Just wanted to let you know that on Valentines day I had my FINAL two operations to remove a port from my chest and both surgeries were a complete success. Yesturday I seen the surgeon (Dr.Sweezer the coolest cat out there) and he said get out there and enjoy life, YOUR DONE! We said" thanks and hope we never have to see you again." He laughed and said "only at your concerts" So we are full swing ahead. Practicing for our show in March in SF and our European tour in April. There are great offers out there for touring and we are in the process of working out schedules, so hang tight and we'll see you in the next coming months. Thanks for hanging in there with me and see ya soon. CB

And remember "METAL FOREVER!"

Great stuff, Chuck!

Hope you keep kicking ass! :devil:
And oh, please come and play Calgary! :D


Chuck Billy said:
What's up everyone? Just wanted to let you know that on 'Valentine's Day' I had my FINAL two operations to remove a port from my chest and both surgeries were a complete success. Yesterday I had seen my surgeon Dr. Sweezer, the coolest cat out there, and he said "Get out there and enjoy life, YOUR DONE!" We said "Thanks and hope we never have to see you again." He laughed and said "Only at your concerts." So we are in full swing ahead. Practicing for our show in March in S.F. and our European tour in April. There are great offers out there for touring and we are in the process of working out schedules, so hang tight and we'll see you in the next coming months. Thanks for hanging in there with me and see ya soon.


And remember "METAL FOREVER!"

Chuck, that is some really great news. Thanks for posting on the board ! I am truly happy for you that this is now officially behind you and you can now continue to do what you do best without anything to stand in your way. The last shows you did down here in So Cal were AWESOME. Your voice and power of the music has only gotten better over the years. Welcome back and yes "Metal Forever" :headbang: TESTAMENT forever :devil:
Great news Chuck! Glad to hear your doctor said you're good to go...just be carefull man:)
I'm gonna try and make it to the show in San Francisco, and I look forward to seeing you guys for the first time:saint:
Do me and all the other Children Of The Night a favor and play The Haunting:headbang:
See you later Chuck.
hiddenlegions said:
Chuck, that is some really great news. Thanks for posting on the board ! I am truly happy for you that this is now officially behind you and you can now continue to do what you do best without anything to stand in your way. The last shows you did down here in So Cal were AWESOME. Your voice and power of the music has only gotten better over the years. Welcome back and yes "Metal Forever" :headbang: TESTAMENT forever :devil:

What hiddenlegions said! You are truly the greatest front man in metal!!
Chuck, i've seen live most of the bands i wanted to see but still there are 3 bands i still haven't seen, that are at the top of my list:
Death Angel
Suicidal Tendencies

and some time ago i said to myself - shit, i will never see Testa and DA live
then i heard DA reactivated and U came back to life.... especially this second thing made me so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wish u luck, please stay alive for us and hope to c U in Poland some day - i am a father of the twins since 4.02.2003 so it would be hard for me to trip around europe to c ya...but if u don't come to Poland i guess i 'll have to...

stay in good health!!!!!!!!!