DARG :hotjump:
1. All CDs/LPs/EPs/MCs here are ORIGINAL releases, NO CDR's (beside demos and if it's marked!!!). Many items available in multiple copies!!!
2. Trades with original stuff (except bootlegs of course) only!!! I do not make copies, do not trade MP3 etc.!!!
3. Condition of all my items is at least very good (most NEW) and I expect the same from You! No holes in booklets!!!
4. If weve never traded before, you send package first (Sorry for that but I have too many problems with so called traders). Few exceptions of this rule only!!!
5. Tapes and CDs are sending without plastic cases, disks and booklets very well protected (notice: do not put disks into booklets, digis disk has to be separate from digi box, booklets put between 2 (TWO) good cardboards!!!).
6. We send packages as a priority mail.
7. LABELS and DISTRIBUTIONS!!!: promos and multiple items trades are welcome. Just send them on following address or get in contact please.
8. Ask about my references if you want, please.
9. If you do not see T-shirts list, ask about it too!!! Over 400 patterns available!!!
Contact: e-mail: gapraf@yahoo.com
At the beginning some really rare stuff (MCs only) from the deepest dungeons.
DAMNATION "Demonstration of evil" MC (rare demos, reh, and other old stuff of this great satanic d/m band, ltd. to #333)
GRAVELAND "In The Glare of Burning Churches" MC (demo from 1993, original Witching Hour release, rare as hell!!!)
GRAVELAND "Epilogue" MC (demo from 1993, original Witching Hour release, rare as hell!!!)
HERMH "Crying Crowns of Trees" MC B/M, Polska
INFERNUM "Damned Majesty" MC (demo, b/m with Graveland members, original Witching Hour release, rare as hell!!!)
LUCIFUGUM "Nazad K Porubanim Korniam (Back To Chopped Down Roots)" MC (b/m from Ukraine again)
NOSTROMO "King of Mars" MC (experimental gothic metal)
SABBAT "Black up Your Soul... For Satan And Sacrifice" MC (cult b/m band from Japan, two first albums on one tape, ltd. to #333)
THRONEUM "Anti Life Celebration" MC ( live tape (Łódź 08.03.02), very raw sound, only for strongest maniacs, ltd. to #100)
ACROSTICHON "Engraved in black" MC (classic d/m album with Corrine on vocals, 1993)
ANIMA DAMNATA Agonizing Journey Through the Burning Universe and Transcendental Ritual of Transfiguration CD (brutal Satanic Death Metal, NEW album)
ANTISEMITEX/ OHTAR split CD (very good two NS b/m hordes)
ARAFEL The way of defender CD (v/g B/M)
AZARATH Infernal Blasting Digi CD (Satanic Death Metal, NEW album)
BELEF Deathwind legion CD (fast b/m from France)
BENEDICTION "The dreams you dread" MC
BLACK ALTAR Wrath ov the gods 7" EP (b/m from PL)
CHAINSAW Satan I obey MC (Chile)
CRYOGENIC "Suspend animation" CD (thrash metal)
DER STURMER "The Blood calls for W.A.R.!" CD
DIE SAAT "Niedergang" CD (heathen b/m from Germany, ltd. #500)
FORNATT Highest towers MC (S black/death from Italy, ltd. #130)
GODGORY "Resurrection" CD (doom metal, Relapse Records)
GRAVELAND Blood Of Heroes 7EP
HELLVETO Medieval scream CD (for the first time on CD, melancholy pagan b/m, ltd. #500 copies)
HELLVETO My eternal hegemony MCDr (pagan b/m form PL, ltd. #333)
IMMORTAL "Battles in the north/Blizzard beasts" MC (two cult albums on one MC)
IMMORTAL Blashyrkh kingdom LP bootleg (live & demo tracks, rare, need a good trade)
IMPALED NAZARENE "Tol cormpt norz norz norz/Ugra carma" MC (two cult albums on one MC)
INFERNO / CELESTIA "Bitva o Mesicni trun" 7" EP (Sombre Records ltd. #500)
INFERNO / INFERNAL WAR "Hredi a silni / Satanic martial terror" 7" EP (ltd. #500)
IRMINGOT Die gaissel gotes MC (heatful b/m from Germany, #300)
LYKANTROP Violent behaviour CD (B/M from Sweden)
MARTYR "Murder X: The end of the game" CD (d/m, ex-Krabathor and Master members)
MEETHOOK SEED Embeeded MC (excellent Napalm Death members project with industrial influences, 1993)
MINDSNARE Broken promises 7" EP (d/m from Italy, ltd. #500)
MORDHELL Sadistic pleasure CDR (demo, holocaust b/m form Poland, ltd. #99 copies only, be quick or be dead!!!)
NEOLITHIC Team 666 (jubelee album of the 10 year anniversary with multimedia section, v/g death doom, PL)
NEPHASTH Conceived by inhuman blood CD (NEW album of this Brazilian assassins)
NIGHTFALL "I am Jesus" CD (very good NEW album of this Hellenic band, mix of their 3rd and 4th lp)
NOKTRUNAL MORTUM Return of the /Marble moon MC (rare two EP's one one MC)
NOKTRUNAL MORTUM Nechrist MC (mighty Ukrainian horde, a must for all harsh b/m maniacs!!!)
PANTHEON Krampentsword CD
PREJUDICE "Reality CD (death metal)
PUTRIDITY / INFATUATION OF DEATH Ten acts of death metal terror split CD (brutal d/m and death grind n US style)
SADIST "Above the light" MC (again in stock, mighty debut of this Italina band, a must)
SACRIVERSUM "Soteria" CD/MC (atmospheric doom, PL)
SARGHN AGEL Murnfrin heidentum MC (very good elitarian b/m from Italy, a must!!!)
SCEPTIC "Pathetic being" MC (their 2nd album, d/m from PL)
SCEPTIC "Unbeliever's script" CD (NEW album, d/m)
SEA OF TRANQUILLITY "Omega in ruins" CD (d/m)
SELBSTMORD Spectre of death CD (b/m form PL)
SETHERIAL "Hell eternal" MC (uholy b/m)
SHADOWS LAND Ante Christum (Natum) CD (debut, very good black d/m, PL)
STUTTHOF Towards the astral CD (NS b/m)
SZRON The purificating flame of annihilation CD (New album, b/m without compromise, Poland, ltd. #666 copies)
THRONEUM Mutiny of Death CD (NEW album! brutal, raw Death/Black in old style)
TRAUMA Imperfect like a god CD (the newest album of this great PL d/m band)
VADER "Sothis" MC (first Baron issue from 1993)
VIOLATION "Beyond the graves" CD (melodic d/m)
TRADE LIST - OTHER CD / CDR / MC (cassettes) / Vinyl:
220 VOLT-Mind Over Muscle LP (power heavy metal from Sweden)
ABIGAIL Intecourse & lust - PROMO CD
ABYSS Taste The Bitter Vengeance CD-R (symphonic death metal from PL, colour covers and sticker on the disc)
AD NOCTEM- same CDR (professional laser cover/raw B/M from Italy)
AETERNUS Burning The Shroud CD (black/ death metal from Norway)
AION "Reconcillation" 25 zł
AION "Symbol 25 zł
ALTAR Provoke CD (death metal)
AMON-Amon Demo MC (bloody death metal from Poland)
ANIMA DAMNATA/THRONEUM-Gods Of Abhorrence CD/MC (satanic B/M and old school death/B/M-Poland)
ANNALIST-Trial CD (progressive art rock from Poland)
ARKONA Zeta Retikuli (A Tale About Hatred Total Enslavement) CD (slavonic B/M from Poland) 35 zł
ARKONA Nocturnal Arkonian hordes - their latest release CD
ARKONA-Imperium CDR/MC(professional covers/ Slavonic pagan B/M from Poland)
ASGAARD When the twilight set in again 22 zł
ASSASSIN -The Saga Of Nemesis Demo`86 MC (legendary thrash from Deutschland)
ATHYS-Requiem MC Demo (B/M from Poland)
ATROPOS-Triafata 2CD (atmospheric death/doom metal from Poland)
AZARATH-Demon Seed CD/MC (satanic death/B/M from Poland;Inferno of Behemoth)
AZURE-Moonlight Legend CD (B/M from Sweden)
BEATRIK-Journey Through The End Of life LP (Raw B/M from Italy in vein of Darkthron & Burzum) limited to 500 copies
BEHEMOTH Chaotica - The essecnce of underground digi box set (2MC 10 zł / 2CD 45 zł
BEHEMOTH Live in Touluse MCD
BELFEGOR "The work of destruction"
BELMEZ-Wundgrind CD (old school B/M from Germany)
BETHLEHEM-Profane Fetmilch Lenzt Elf Krank MCD (dark metal from Germany)
BLACK ALTAR-Na Uroczysku MC (Holocaust Dark B/M from Poland with Docent from Vader on dr)
BLASPHEMY RITES-Demo I'02 CDR / MC (brutal sadistic B/M from Poland)
BLESSED IN SIN-A Tribute To Euronymous/Odes Obscures split MC (melodic b/m from France)
BLESSED IN SIN-Melancholia CD (melodic and atmospheric b/m from France)
BLOODTHIRST-End Is the Beginning CDR (speed/thras/B/M from Poland)
BLUTRACHE-Marsch Zu Neuen Zeitaltern MC (NS B/M from Finland; ex Horna member)
BRANIKARD "Stornheit" MC
BUDGIE Never turn back on a friend
BUDGIE Bandoriel
BUDGIE In for a kill
BURZUM-Rehersal Demo MC
CARPATHIAN FOREST-Live In Darkness CDR (xero covers/ live in Italy bootleg, great necro sound) limited to 1000 copies
CARPE NOCTEM-Whirl Of Hate MC (symphonic B/M from Poland)
CEMETARY OF SCREAM-Fine De Siecle MC (doom metal from Poland)
CERNUNNOS-The Forgotten Age Of Heathenism CDR (USA war B/M) limited to 600 copies
CHRIST AGONY-Live Apocalypse CD (B/M from Poland)
CHRIST AGONY-Moonlight/Darkside 2CD (B/M from Poland)
CHRIST AGONY-Unholyunion/Daemoonseth 2CD/2 MC
CHRISTS NAILS-Demos 1992-1996 MC (ambient/dark/experimental/B/M from Holland)
CICATRIX-Eviscerated MC (brutal death metal from Poland)
COLD PASSION New age of architects
COLD PASSION-New Edge Architect CD (melodic doom/death metal from Poland)
CONTEMPT The secret around us (killer death/grind from Slovakia)
CONTEMPT When angels begin to cry NEW album CD
CREATION OF DEATH Purify Your Soul (thrash/death from the beginning of 90ies, Poland)
CRIONICS-Beyond The Blazing Horizon CDR (B/M from Poland)
CRIONICS-Human Error CD (Ways To Selfdestruction)
CRUCIFIER-Crucifier MC (satanic death metal from USA)
CZERWONA CHORĄGIEWKA-Idż Stąd ! MC Demo (grindcore form Poland)
DARK OPUS-Thoughts MC (B/M from France) limited edition to 300 copies
DARK PROPHECIES- On The edge Of black eternity MC (death/doom/black from Poland/ ex Hate members)
DAZZLING KILLMEN-Dig Out the Switch CD (hard core from USA)
DEATH-Symbolic CD (Death Metal from USA)
DEIMOS-Zostawiam ci światło Demo`90 MC (typical hard core from Poland)
DEMIURG-Szwadrony Śmierci MC (Dark Ambient B/M Art. from Poland)
DEMONLORD-Unsacred Soul MC (black/death metal from Spain)
DESTRUCION "All hell breaks loose" 2CD edition
DESTRUCTION "Crcked brain"
DESTRUCTION-All Hells Breaks Loose 2CD (gods of the thrash metal)
DESULTORY-Death Unfolds Demo'90 MC (Swedish death metal)
DEVILYN Anger CD - Death Metal
DEVILYN Reborn In Pain CD - Death Metal, Polska
DIFFERENT STATE-Knar MC (industrial/ambient from Poland)
DISSENTER "Contamination" (NEW album, very good brutal Death Metal, Polska)
DISSENTER "Apocalypse of the damned" Death Metal, Polska
DOMAIN- From Oblivion CD (slow black/doom metal from Poland)
DOMINIUM-Unknown Dimension CD digi (Symphonic & atmospheric B/M from Poland)
DUNKEL NACHT-Promo Tape'03 MC (Satanic Raw B/M from Italy) 2 unreleased
DUST-A Wonder Through The Dark Realm MC (B/M from Sweden) limited to 300 copies
ECCLESSIA SATANI-Us Satan CD-R (NS epic B/M from Poland) limited to 555 copies
EMBRACE OF THORNS-The Inevitable Twilight Of The Judeochristian Lie MC (Raw Nietzchean B/M from Hellas) limited edition
EMPIRIA Angeltears gothic B/M Polska
ENSAMBLE NOCTURNE-Crimson Sky MC (Death B/M from Sweden)
ESQARIAL Inheritance - New album CD
ESQARIAL Amorphous CD/MC (thrash/death metal from Poland)
ETERNAL TEAR-Embrion CD (doom metal from Poland)
EXCOMMUNION Superion (d/m from USA)
FEAR FACTORY-Cars CDS (electronic new metal from USA)
FIRING SQUAD-Harvest Of War CDR (brutal death metal from Poland)
FUNERAL PROCESSION-Solar Eclipse MC (Unholy B/M Cult from Germany) limited
FUNERAL RITES Necroeater CD (b/m from Japan in old good style)
FUNERARY CALL-Unearthed MC (Ambient/Black/Doom Metal from Canada)
GATEWARD Legenda Adradzhennia MC (pagan B/M from Belarus)
GATEWARD Lord of Aium MC (pagan B/M from Belarus)
GAUNTLET'S SWORD-Blasphemoon Demo '98 MC (Hellenic B/M Art from Greece)
GOAT HORNS/THE TRUE ENDLESS-split CDR Promo (two old school B/M hordes)
GOAT HORNS-Fullmoon Worship MC (B/M in vein old Bathory and Venom; England)
GOD IN RUINS/WATERFALL-Agony Of The Fallen Gods split MC (B/M fromPoland)
GODLESS NORTH-Summon The Age Of Supremacy MC (satanic raw B/M)
GOETIA "Hail Satan" CD/LP(B/M)
GRAVEWURM Ancient Storms of War MC (ltd. to #200 MC/Cass version of their debut album)
GRIMUACK- A.G.L.A. CD (raw B/M from Spain)
GROAN-It What Has Been (doom gothic metal from Poland)
HANGOVER-Terrorbeer MCD-R (retro black/thrash @#%$ you metal from Poland) pro-cover
HATE Awakening of the liar CD (NEW album)
HATE Evil decade of Hate CD
HATE Lord is avenger CD
HATE Victims CD
HATE FOREST Scythia MC (1st demo of this Ukrainian N/S horde)
HATE Abhorrence MC (original 1st demo, brutal death/B/M from Poland)
HATE Cain's Way CD
HATEFUL/SZRON-Key To Immortality/Frost eternal split CDR (NS satanic pagan B/M from Poland)
HATEPLOW-Everybody Dies MC (grind/death metal from USA ex Malevolent Creation)
HEFEYSTOS/ABUSIVENESS-Vilce Sjen/Watrajar split MC (two Polish pagan B/M hordes)
HELL-BORN - Hellblast CD/MC (satanic death/B/M from Poland
HELLOWEEN-Keeper Of The Seven Keys part I LP (power/speed metal from Germany)
HELLVETO "My eternal hegemony " MCDr (new single of this Slavonic project, ltd to #333 copies))
HELLVETO-Hellveto MC (atmospheric pagan B/M from Poland)
HELLVETO-Horned Sky MC (symphonic pagan B/M from Poland)
HELLVETO-Medieval Scream MC
HELLVETO-Medieval Scream CD (ltd to 500)
HERGORN/HELLVETO-split MC (NS B/M/pagan B/M from Poland)
HERJALF-Kiedy Topnieją Śniegi CDR/MC (atmospheric b/m)
HERMH-Angeldemon CD/MC (symphonic B/M from Poland)
HERMH-Taran LP (symphonic B/M from Poland)
HOLY DEATH-Forever Burning Ashes CD (B/M from Poland)
HOLY DEATH-Triumph Of Evil CD (apocalyptic B/M from Poland)
HORRIFIED Deus Diabolus Inversus CD (new album of this Greece band)
HORRORSCOPE "Pictures of pain" (thrash/death metal, Poland)
HORRORSCOPE-Worship Game MC (thrash/death metal from Poland)
IMAGO MORTIS-Mors Triumphalis CDR (NS raw B/M from Italy)
IMPERATOR-The Time Before Time CD/LP/MC (cult of thrash/death/B/M band's from Poland)
INFERNO-Duch Slovanske Sily CD (B/M from Czech Republic)
INFERNUM-Taur-Nu-Fuin CDR / MC (B/M with Graveland members)
KAAMOS-Live In Athens CDR (xero covers & sticker/Death Metal from Sweden) ltd.
KATHARSIS Ex Potestati Inferni MC (B/M from Poland)
KING CHAOS-Insane !!! CDR (Thrash/Death/B/M from Republic of South Africa)
KRISTALLNACHT-Creation Through Destruction MC (professional cover/NS B/M from France )
LANA LANE "Project shangri - La" CD
LEBENSSTEUER-Deadsmile CD (electric new metal from Poland)
LONGOBARDEATH/ TRUE ENDLESS-Ki l'e'Dur/Al Curnac Da Torghen MC (Thrash/Death/Black from Italy) 200 copies
LOST SOUL Scream of The Mourning Star CD
LOST SOUL Umbermenesch (Death God) (great death metal from Poland)
LUCIFUGUM ...A Kole So Wsie Skruput... MC (...and the Wheel Keeps Crunching...)
LUCIFUGUM Klejmo Egoisma (Stigma Egoism) MC (pagan B/M, Ukraine)
LUNA AD NOCTUM Dimness' Profound CD - B/M, Polska '02
LUNA AD NOCTUM-Dimness Profound CD/MC (fast B/M from Poland)
LUX OCCULTA-Forever Alone Immortal CD/MC
LUX OCCULTA-My Guardian Anger CD/MC/PLP (occult B/M from Poland) PLP limited to 333 copies
LUX OCCULTAThe Forgotten arts MC
MALEVOLENT CREATION-Eternal MC (brutal death metal from USA)
MEMEMBRIS-Demo 2001 CDR (B/M from Poland)
MISTERIA-Masquerade CD/MC (death/B/M from Poland)
MISTERIA-universe Funeral CD/MC
MOON-Daemon's Heart CD/MC (B/M from Poland; Cezar of Christ agony and Doc of Vader)
MOON-Satan's Wept CD/MC
MOONTOWER-The Wolf's Hunger MC (Anichristian B/M War from Poland)
MORBID ANGEL "Abominations of desolation"
MORBID EXECUTION-Necrotorment MC (Thrash/Black from Poland, ex Throneum) limited to 500
MORBID/MAYHEM-A Tribute To the Black Emperor MC (B/M from Scandinavia)
MORTUARY-His Majesty Return CDR (Pure Vampiric B/M from Poland)
MORTUARY-Satanicum Liturgy Misticum CDR (Satanic B/M from Poland)
MORTUUM-For Those To Left MC (doom/death metal )
MORTUUM-Servant Of Desire MC (doom death metal)
MOUDLED FLESH-Indulgence CDR (Brutal Death Metal from Poland)
MROK-Destroy Demo '98 MC (NS Aryan Noise Terror Black Ambient from Poland)
MROK-Radikall Demo '99 MC
MUTILATION Obssessed by reality (very good old school d/m from PL in veins Bolt Thrower, Grave )
MY INFINITE KINGDOM-Ecstasies Over Dreaming Lady MC (Slavonic Pagan B/M from Poland)
NAER MATARON-Live In Athens CDR (xero covers & sticker/Hellenic B/M from Greece)
NAER MATARON-Up From The ashes CD (B/M from Greece)
NECROMANCER-Seven Ways To Die CD (melodic death metal from Slovakia; Juraj Grezdo ex members of Thalarion)
NECROMICON Peccata Mundi CD (Black/Death Metal from Sweden)
NIGHTLY GALE- And Jesus Wept CD/MC (doom metal from Poland)
NIGHTLY GALE-The Bleeding Art MC (doom metal from Poland)
NOCTURNAL/DIABOLICAL/PAGAN WOODS/THE MYSTIC FULLMOON-Hordes Of The Black CDR (4 Unholy Pagan B/M hordes from Poland)
NOCTURNAL-It's Pure CDR (Unholy B/M from Poland)
NON IRON-Innym Niepotrzebni LP (heavy/thrash metal from Poland)
NORTH-As My Kingdom Rises MC
NORTH-Entering The Dark Kingdom MC
NORTH-From The Dark Past CD/MC (Slavonic B/M from Poland)
NORTH-Korona CD (Slavonic Pagan B/M from Poland)
NORTHLAND-Czernoboh CDR / MC (monumental Slavonic hate B/M from Poland)
NORTH-Promo '94 MC
NORTH-Thorns Of The Black Rose CDR/MC (pagan B/M from Poland)
NORTH-Wojna Trwa MC (Slavonic B/M from Poland)
NOSTRADAMUS-Vanitas Vanitatum MC (death/doom metal from Poland)
NOSTROMO-King Of Mars MC (ambient/gothic metal from Poland)
NUCLEAR DEATH (POL) -Morbid World MC Demo'90 (grindcore from Poland)
NUCLEAR DEATH (USA) -Welcome To the MindsOf The Morbid Demo"87 MC (total death/thrash/gore from USA)
OBSIDIAN-Niederkunst Des Chaos CDR (German war B/M) limited to 333 copies
ON THORNS I LAY "Angeldust" '02
ONE SECOND OF NOISE-Daisy Demo MC (80 extremaly tracks perversion noise/grind from Poland)
ORCRIST-Primitive Damnation CDR (Pure B/M from Italy) limited to #666
ORCRIST-The Third Imperium MC / CDR limited to 200 copies
ORDO TEMPLI AETERNAE LUCIS/HAYRAS-Ode Aux Annees Froides/Terroristes De La Foi split MC (raw B/M/France)
PANDEMONIUM "Devilri/The ancient Katatonia" 2CD (over 10000 copies "Devilri" '92 demo sold)
PANDEMONIUM-Devilri/The Ancient Catatonia 2CD (VERY GOOD B/M in veins of old Samael, Poland)
PARRICIDE-Illtreat CD (Polish brutal death metal in vein US style)
PERPETUAL DEMISE-arctic MC (avantgarde death metal from Belgium)
PERUNICA-Święte Dziedzictwo Przodków MC (NS B/M from Poland)
PERUNWIT-W Kręgu Dębów CDR (pagan folk B/M from Poland)
PROFANUM-Flowers Of Our black Misanthropy CDR/ MC (Slavonic B/M from Poland)
PROFANUM-Misanthropiae Floris CD/MC
PROFANUM-Museaum Esotericum CD/MC
PROFANUM-Profanum Aeternum CD/MC (symphonic B/M from Poland)
PRO-PAIN-Act Of God CD (thrashcore from USA)
PUTRIDITY-Putrid Brutal Attack CDR (Pure Death Metal from Poland)
PUTRIDITY-Putrid second Blasting Sickness CDR
RECTAL SLUDGE-Scraps Of Children's Meat MCD-R (brutal grind/death from Poland)
RHYMES OF DESTRUCTION A Sun Revolution CD (pagan b/m)
RUNEMAGICK-Requiem Of The Apocalypse CD (death metal from Sweden)
SACRADIS-Sacradis CDR (raw b/m from Italy)
SADIST-Lego MC (experimental metal from Italy)
SADNESS-Evangelion CD digi (B/M from Switzerland)
SANATORIUM-Arrival Of The Forgotten Ones CD (brutal death metal from Slovakia)
SARCASTIC-Corpse In Decomposition 7"EP (Death/Grind from Brasil)
SARKEL The Last Glory MC (pagan B/M, Hellveto member project, PL)
SAURON-Kraina Martwego Słońca+The Baltic Fog CDR (Pagan B/M from Poland)
SAXORIOR Portent of Eternity CD (b/m)
SEIGNEUR VOLAND-Consumatum Est MC (NS B/M from France)
SERENADE Plague of time MCD (their last material)
SERENADE The 28th pararell CD (doom from UK)
SERENADE The Chaos They Create CD (klimatyczny Doom z Anglii)
SHADE-Sounds Of Memory (chapter echo) MC (doom metal from Poland)
SIRRAH Did tomorrow come...
SKOLL/GRAVFERD-split CDR (monumental black / pagan raw B/M from Italy and Norway)
SLAYER Diabolus in musica
SOLAR DAWN-Equinocium CD (gothic/thrash metal)
SOULESS-Total Desecration CDR (Brutal Death Metal from Poland) limited edition
SPINAL CORD "Remedy" (v/g death/thrash from PL)
SPITE EXTREME WING-same MC (raw B/M from Italy)
STORMRIDER- Into Battle CDR (Death/B/M from Sweden)
SUN OF THEW SLEEPLESS-Poems Of The wretches Hearts MCD (B/M in vein Burzum, Darkthrone; Germany)
TENEBROSUS-Demo 2001 CD-R (NS raw B/M from Poland)
THANATOS Angelic encounters CD (3rd album of those d/m veterans from Ned)
THE ELYSIAN FIELDS "12ablaze" '02
THE LIGHT OF THE DARK/THRONEUM-Brotherhood In Darkness split MC (old school thrash/death/B/M from Mexico and Poland) limited to 333 copies
THE SECOND COMING-Opus I MC Demo '01 (satanic Raw B/M from Italy) limited edition
THE TRUE ENDLESS/GOBLINS SPELL- split 7"EP (Raw Black Meatl from Italy & Germany) limited to 444 copies
THE TRUE ENDLESS-Live And Raw MC (NS raw B/M from Italy) limited to 200 copies
THEMGOROTH-Highway Into The Unknown CD (symphonic doom/death metal from Poland)
THETRAGON Gate of Darkness CD (klimatyczny Black/Death Metal, Polska
THIRST-The Might Of The Pagan Belief MC (monumental unholy B/M from Poland)
THRONE OF SPLENDOUR (T.O.S.) "Facing the new dawn" MC (NS b/m from Italy)
THRONE OF SPLENDOUR-Lands Of Immortality Demo '99 (Hellenic B/M Art from Greece)
THRONEUM/THE LIGHT OF THE DARK split MC (obscure metal by those two hordes, ltd. to #333)
TITAN MOUNTAIN-Above Fangs Of Majestic Stonetitans MC (symphonic orchestral b/m from Poland)
TOTAL ECLIPSE-Omega 1 CDR (thrash/heavy metal from Poland)
TOTENHAUS Slit Your Throat (CD-R brutal Noise/Ambient, ltd. to 50 copies)
TOWER Mercury
TOWER Swan princess (v. good atmospheric death, PL)
TRAUMA-Comedy Is Over CD/MC
TRAUMA-Crash Test: Live CD/MC
TRAUMA-Daimonion CD/MC (super technical death metal from Poland)
TRAUMA-Suffocated Slumber MC
TREMOR-The Depth MC (Death Metal from Finland)
TSA-Heavy Metal World LP (english version) heavy metal from Poland
TSA-Heavy Metal World LP (polish version)
TYRRANICIDE-Hard Like A Machine 7"EP (Industrial from Mexico)
UMBILICUS MUNDIS L'Ancien Code CD (avantgarde Black/Doom/Death Metal)
UNHOLY ARCHANGEL-Demos CD (two demos and split tape Lust & Kult/War devastation B/M from Hellas)
UNNAMED-A Beauty Of Suffering MC (doom death metal from Poland)
UNNAMED-Id CD (gothic/heavy/death metal from Poland)
UNNAMED-The Black Monk MC (doom metal from Poland)
V/A A Tribute To Mercyful Fate CD (Emperor,Deceased,Notre dame,Armageddon,Dark tranquility,Luciferion,Immolation/
V/A Black Eyes' Aggression MC (The Under,Insanity Of Slaughter,Crifotoure Satanarda,Infernal Necromancy,Gorugoth,Hurusoma,
V/A Czarne Zastępy-Tribute to Kat CD/MC (Luciferion,Vader,Behemoth,Damnation,Hermh,Sacrilegium,Taranis,North,Grom/
VADER Angel of death MCD '02
VADER De profudis
VADER Litany
VADER Live in Japan
VADER Revelations
VALEFAR "Frigus ex tenebris venit MC (b/m from Lituania)
VALLES LACRIMARUM A Piece of Snails... CD-R (new synth ambient from PL)
VARATHRON-His Majesty at the swamp CD/MC/PLP (picture limited to 333 copies)
VARATHRON-The Lament Of the Gods CD/MC/PLP (B/M from Greece) PLP limited to 333 copies
VESANIA-Firefrost Arckanum CD (black/death metal from Poland)
VICIOUS RUMORS-Cyberchrist CD (thrash metal from USA)
VIOLATION Beyond the graves CD (d/m from Sweden)
VOIVOD "Negatron"
VOIVOD "Phobos
VOMITO-Gore Mutilation 7"EP (brutal satanic death/grind from Brasil)
VOO DOO-Heavy Metal LP (heavy power metal from Poland)
WAR HAMMER Slaughter Is My Regime MC (barbarian War Black/Death Metal from Brasil)
WARGRINDER/BLASPHEMOUS NOISE TORMENT-split MC (two nuclear katasrophic war B/M from Hellas and Italy) limited to 500 copies
WINDS OF GARDEN-Dusze Martwych Drzew MC (symphonic art. B/M from Poland/LON of Hellveto)
WITCHMASTER-Masochistic Devil Worship CD/MC
WITCHMASTER-Violence And Blasphemy CD/MC (fast B/M from Poland)
YATTEREING Murders concept
YATTEREING Human's pain
IMMORTAL - Damned in black PLP
IN THE WOODS-Epitaph/Karmakosmik 7"EP
MALEDICTION Mould of industrial horizon 7" EP
MAYHEM - Grand declaration of war LP
ORDER FROM CHAOS-Plateau Of Invincibility 10" MLP
S.B.S.-Taste It 7"EP
SALTUS-Slowianska Duma LP
SUFFER On sour ground 7" EP
TOXIC NARCOTIC-New Ways To Create Waste 7"EP
TOXIC NARCOTIC-Popullution 7"EP TURBO-Dorosłe Dzieci LP
TURBO-Kawaleria szatana LP
TURBO-Ostatni Wojownik LP
VULPECULA-Fons Immortalis MLP
BOOTLEGS (cdrs with xero covers):
ASSASSIN "Live bootleg"
BATHORY "The black essence"
BEHERIT "Werewolf semen and blood"
BEHERIT The ghosts of death (demos, rehearsals, promos, unreleased tracks etc., 28 tracks and over 74 min of pure blasphemy)
BEHERIT/IMPALED NAZARENE "The day of darkness festival"
BURZUM "Ragnarok (a new beginning)"
BURZUM Demo 1 & 2
BURZUM Blast from the ancient past / Svarte dauen"
CARCASS "Live Dismemberment" + live in Bufflo 1990
CARCASS/CATHEDRAL "Gods of grind on tour"
DARKTHRONE "A night of unholy black metal"
DARKTHRONE "Sadomasochistic rites" (rehearsal from 1991)
DARKTHRONE "Det forste vinter" (all 3 DT demos and promo)
DARKTHRONE/MAYHEM "The true legends in black"
DEATH "Early demos I"
DEATH "Early demos II"
DISMEMBER "Demos '88-'90"
IMMORTAL "Live At Estadio Chile"
MAYHEM "Dawn of the black hearts"
MAYHEM "From the darkest past"
MAYHEM "Ha-Elm-Zalag"
MAYHEM "Pure @#%$ armageddon"
MAYHEM The true black split w/THOU SHALT SUFFER & ZEMIAL
MAYHEM In memorium
MAYHEM War & Sodomy
MAYHEM/MORBID "a tribute to black emperors"
MORBID ANGEL "evil demos"
MORBID ANGEL "live 86-88"
MORTUARY DRAPE "The chronicel of .."
TREBLINKA "Treblinka" 2cdr
TYPE'O'NEGATIVE "Live rare and hard"
VLAD TEPES / BELKETRE March to the black holocaust
ULVER/IMMORTAL split (old demos)
T-SHIRTS (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!about 400 designs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Ask for them ...
1. All CDs/LPs/EPs/MCs here are ORIGINAL releases, NO CDR's (beside demos and if it's marked!!!). Many items available in multiple copies!!!
2. Trades with original stuff (except bootlegs of course) only!!! I do not make copies, do not trade MP3 etc.!!!
3. Condition of all my items is at least very good (most NEW) and I expect the same from You! No holes in booklets!!!
4. If weve never traded before, you send package first (Sorry for that but I have too many problems with so called traders). Few exceptions of this rule only!!!
5. Tapes and CDs are sending without plastic cases, disks and booklets very well protected (notice: do not put disks into booklets, digis disk has to be separate from digi box, booklets put between 2 (TWO) good cardboards!!!).
6. We send packages as a priority mail.
7. LABELS and DISTRIBUTIONS!!!: promos and multiple items trades are welcome. Just send them on following address or get in contact please.
8. Ask about my references if you want, please.
9. If you do not see T-shirts list, ask about it too!!! Over 400 patterns available!!!
Contact: e-mail: gapraf@yahoo.com
At the beginning some really rare stuff (MCs only) from the deepest dungeons.
DAMNATION "Demonstration of evil" MC (rare demos, reh, and other old stuff of this great satanic d/m band, ltd. to #333)
GRAVELAND "In The Glare of Burning Churches" MC (demo from 1993, original Witching Hour release, rare as hell!!!)
GRAVELAND "Epilogue" MC (demo from 1993, original Witching Hour release, rare as hell!!!)
HERMH "Crying Crowns of Trees" MC B/M, Polska
INFERNUM "Damned Majesty" MC (demo, b/m with Graveland members, original Witching Hour release, rare as hell!!!)
LUCIFUGUM "Nazad K Porubanim Korniam (Back To Chopped Down Roots)" MC (b/m from Ukraine again)
NOSTROMO "King of Mars" MC (experimental gothic metal)
SABBAT "Black up Your Soul... For Satan And Sacrifice" MC (cult b/m band from Japan, two first albums on one tape, ltd. to #333)
THRONEUM "Anti Life Celebration" MC ( live tape (Łódź 08.03.02), very raw sound, only for strongest maniacs, ltd. to #100)
ACROSTICHON "Engraved in black" MC (classic d/m album with Corrine on vocals, 1993)
ANIMA DAMNATA Agonizing Journey Through the Burning Universe and Transcendental Ritual of Transfiguration CD (brutal Satanic Death Metal, NEW album)
ANTISEMITEX/ OHTAR split CD (very good two NS b/m hordes)
ARAFEL The way of defender CD (v/g B/M)
AZARATH Infernal Blasting Digi CD (Satanic Death Metal, NEW album)
BELEF Deathwind legion CD (fast b/m from France)
BENEDICTION "The dreams you dread" MC
BLACK ALTAR Wrath ov the gods 7" EP (b/m from PL)
CHAINSAW Satan I obey MC (Chile)
CRYOGENIC "Suspend animation" CD (thrash metal)
DER STURMER "The Blood calls for W.A.R.!" CD
DIE SAAT "Niedergang" CD (heathen b/m from Germany, ltd. #500)
FORNATT Highest towers MC (S black/death from Italy, ltd. #130)
GODGORY "Resurrection" CD (doom metal, Relapse Records)
GRAVELAND Blood Of Heroes 7EP
HELLVETO Medieval scream CD (for the first time on CD, melancholy pagan b/m, ltd. #500 copies)
HELLVETO My eternal hegemony MCDr (pagan b/m form PL, ltd. #333)
IMMORTAL "Battles in the north/Blizzard beasts" MC (two cult albums on one MC)
IMMORTAL Blashyrkh kingdom LP bootleg (live & demo tracks, rare, need a good trade)
IMPALED NAZARENE "Tol cormpt norz norz norz/Ugra carma" MC (two cult albums on one MC)
INFERNO / CELESTIA "Bitva o Mesicni trun" 7" EP (Sombre Records ltd. #500)
INFERNO / INFERNAL WAR "Hredi a silni / Satanic martial terror" 7" EP (ltd. #500)
IRMINGOT Die gaissel gotes MC (heatful b/m from Germany, #300)
LYKANTROP Violent behaviour CD (B/M from Sweden)
MARTYR "Murder X: The end of the game" CD (d/m, ex-Krabathor and Master members)
MEETHOOK SEED Embeeded MC (excellent Napalm Death members project with industrial influences, 1993)
MINDSNARE Broken promises 7" EP (d/m from Italy, ltd. #500)
MORDHELL Sadistic pleasure CDR (demo, holocaust b/m form Poland, ltd. #99 copies only, be quick or be dead!!!)
NEOLITHIC Team 666 (jubelee album of the 10 year anniversary with multimedia section, v/g death doom, PL)
NEPHASTH Conceived by inhuman blood CD (NEW album of this Brazilian assassins)
NIGHTFALL "I am Jesus" CD (very good NEW album of this Hellenic band, mix of their 3rd and 4th lp)
NOKTRUNAL MORTUM Return of the /Marble moon MC (rare two EP's one one MC)
NOKTRUNAL MORTUM Nechrist MC (mighty Ukrainian horde, a must for all harsh b/m maniacs!!!)
PANTHEON Krampentsword CD
PREJUDICE "Reality CD (death metal)
PUTRIDITY / INFATUATION OF DEATH Ten acts of death metal terror split CD (brutal d/m and death grind n US style)
SADIST "Above the light" MC (again in stock, mighty debut of this Italina band, a must)
SACRIVERSUM "Soteria" CD/MC (atmospheric doom, PL)
SARGHN AGEL Murnfrin heidentum MC (very good elitarian b/m from Italy, a must!!!)
SCEPTIC "Pathetic being" MC (their 2nd album, d/m from PL)
SCEPTIC "Unbeliever's script" CD (NEW album, d/m)
SEA OF TRANQUILLITY "Omega in ruins" CD (d/m)
SELBSTMORD Spectre of death CD (b/m form PL)
SETHERIAL "Hell eternal" MC (uholy b/m)
SHADOWS LAND Ante Christum (Natum) CD (debut, very good black d/m, PL)
STUTTHOF Towards the astral CD (NS b/m)
SZRON The purificating flame of annihilation CD (New album, b/m without compromise, Poland, ltd. #666 copies)
THRONEUM Mutiny of Death CD (NEW album! brutal, raw Death/Black in old style)
TRAUMA Imperfect like a god CD (the newest album of this great PL d/m band)
VADER "Sothis" MC (first Baron issue from 1993)
VIOLATION "Beyond the graves" CD (melodic d/m)
TRADE LIST - OTHER CD / CDR / MC (cassettes) / Vinyl:
220 VOLT-Mind Over Muscle LP (power heavy metal from Sweden)
ABIGAIL Intecourse & lust - PROMO CD
ABYSS Taste The Bitter Vengeance CD-R (symphonic death metal from PL, colour covers and sticker on the disc)
AD NOCTEM- same CDR (professional laser cover/raw B/M from Italy)
AETERNUS Burning The Shroud CD (black/ death metal from Norway)
AION "Reconcillation" 25 zł
AION "Symbol 25 zł
ALTAR Provoke CD (death metal)
AMON-Amon Demo MC (bloody death metal from Poland)
ANIMA DAMNATA/THRONEUM-Gods Of Abhorrence CD/MC (satanic B/M and old school death/B/M-Poland)
ANNALIST-Trial CD (progressive art rock from Poland)
ARKONA Zeta Retikuli (A Tale About Hatred Total Enslavement) CD (slavonic B/M from Poland) 35 zł
ARKONA Nocturnal Arkonian hordes - their latest release CD
ARKONA-Imperium CDR/MC(professional covers/ Slavonic pagan B/M from Poland)
ASGAARD When the twilight set in again 22 zł
ASSASSIN -The Saga Of Nemesis Demo`86 MC (legendary thrash from Deutschland)
ATHYS-Requiem MC Demo (B/M from Poland)
ATROPOS-Triafata 2CD (atmospheric death/doom metal from Poland)
AZARATH-Demon Seed CD/MC (satanic death/B/M from Poland;Inferno of Behemoth)
AZURE-Moonlight Legend CD (B/M from Sweden)
BEATRIK-Journey Through The End Of life LP (Raw B/M from Italy in vein of Darkthron & Burzum) limited to 500 copies
BEHEMOTH Chaotica - The essecnce of underground digi box set (2MC 10 zł / 2CD 45 zł

BEHEMOTH Live in Touluse MCD
BELFEGOR "The work of destruction"
BELMEZ-Wundgrind CD (old school B/M from Germany)
BETHLEHEM-Profane Fetmilch Lenzt Elf Krank MCD (dark metal from Germany)
BLACK ALTAR-Na Uroczysku MC (Holocaust Dark B/M from Poland with Docent from Vader on dr)
BLASPHEMY RITES-Demo I'02 CDR / MC (brutal sadistic B/M from Poland)
BLESSED IN SIN-A Tribute To Euronymous/Odes Obscures split MC (melodic b/m from France)
BLESSED IN SIN-Melancholia CD (melodic and atmospheric b/m from France)
BLOODTHIRST-End Is the Beginning CDR (speed/thras/B/M from Poland)
BLUTRACHE-Marsch Zu Neuen Zeitaltern MC (NS B/M from Finland; ex Horna member)
BRANIKARD "Stornheit" MC
BUDGIE Never turn back on a friend
BUDGIE Bandoriel
BUDGIE In for a kill
BURZUM-Rehersal Demo MC
CARPATHIAN FOREST-Live In Darkness CDR (xero covers/ live in Italy bootleg, great necro sound) limited to 1000 copies
CARPE NOCTEM-Whirl Of Hate MC (symphonic B/M from Poland)
CEMETARY OF SCREAM-Fine De Siecle MC (doom metal from Poland)
CERNUNNOS-The Forgotten Age Of Heathenism CDR (USA war B/M) limited to 600 copies
CHRIST AGONY-Live Apocalypse CD (B/M from Poland)
CHRIST AGONY-Moonlight/Darkside 2CD (B/M from Poland)
CHRIST AGONY-Unholyunion/Daemoonseth 2CD/2 MC
CHRISTS NAILS-Demos 1992-1996 MC (ambient/dark/experimental/B/M from Holland)
CICATRIX-Eviscerated MC (brutal death metal from Poland)
COLD PASSION New age of architects
COLD PASSION-New Edge Architect CD (melodic doom/death metal from Poland)
CONTEMPT The secret around us (killer death/grind from Slovakia)
CONTEMPT When angels begin to cry NEW album CD
CREATION OF DEATH Purify Your Soul (thrash/death from the beginning of 90ies, Poland)
CRIONICS-Beyond The Blazing Horizon CDR (B/M from Poland)
CRIONICS-Human Error CD (Ways To Selfdestruction)
CRUCIFIER-Crucifier MC (satanic death metal from USA)
CZERWONA CHORĄGIEWKA-Idż Stąd ! MC Demo (grindcore form Poland)
DARK OPUS-Thoughts MC (B/M from France) limited edition to 300 copies
DARK PROPHECIES- On The edge Of black eternity MC (death/doom/black from Poland/ ex Hate members)
DAZZLING KILLMEN-Dig Out the Switch CD (hard core from USA)
DEATH-Symbolic CD (Death Metal from USA)
DEIMOS-Zostawiam ci światło Demo`90 MC (typical hard core from Poland)
DEMIURG-Szwadrony Śmierci MC (Dark Ambient B/M Art. from Poland)
DEMONLORD-Unsacred Soul MC (black/death metal from Spain)
DESTRUCION "All hell breaks loose" 2CD edition
DESTRUCTION "Crcked brain"
DESTRUCTION-All Hells Breaks Loose 2CD (gods of the thrash metal)
DESULTORY-Death Unfolds Demo'90 MC (Swedish death metal)
DEVILYN Anger CD - Death Metal
DEVILYN Reborn In Pain CD - Death Metal, Polska
DIFFERENT STATE-Knar MC (industrial/ambient from Poland)
DISSENTER "Contamination" (NEW album, very good brutal Death Metal, Polska)
DISSENTER "Apocalypse of the damned" Death Metal, Polska
DOMAIN- From Oblivion CD (slow black/doom metal from Poland)
DOMINIUM-Unknown Dimension CD digi (Symphonic & atmospheric B/M from Poland)
DUNKEL NACHT-Promo Tape'03 MC (Satanic Raw B/M from Italy) 2 unreleased
DUST-A Wonder Through The Dark Realm MC (B/M from Sweden) limited to 300 copies
ECCLESSIA SATANI-Us Satan CD-R (NS epic B/M from Poland) limited to 555 copies
EMBRACE OF THORNS-The Inevitable Twilight Of The Judeochristian Lie MC (Raw Nietzchean B/M from Hellas) limited edition
EMPIRIA Angeltears gothic B/M Polska
ENSAMBLE NOCTURNE-Crimson Sky MC (Death B/M from Sweden)
ESQARIAL Inheritance - New album CD
ESQARIAL Amorphous CD/MC (thrash/death metal from Poland)
ETERNAL TEAR-Embrion CD (doom metal from Poland)
EXCOMMUNION Superion (d/m from USA)
FEAR FACTORY-Cars CDS (electronic new metal from USA)
FIRING SQUAD-Harvest Of War CDR (brutal death metal from Poland)
FUNERAL PROCESSION-Solar Eclipse MC (Unholy B/M Cult from Germany) limited
FUNERAL RITES Necroeater CD (b/m from Japan in old good style)
FUNERARY CALL-Unearthed MC (Ambient/Black/Doom Metal from Canada)
GATEWARD Legenda Adradzhennia MC (pagan B/M from Belarus)
GATEWARD Lord of Aium MC (pagan B/M from Belarus)
GAUNTLET'S SWORD-Blasphemoon Demo '98 MC (Hellenic B/M Art from Greece)
GOAT HORNS/THE TRUE ENDLESS-split CDR Promo (two old school B/M hordes)
GOAT HORNS-Fullmoon Worship MC (B/M in vein old Bathory and Venom; England)
GOD IN RUINS/WATERFALL-Agony Of The Fallen Gods split MC (B/M fromPoland)
GODLESS NORTH-Summon The Age Of Supremacy MC (satanic raw B/M)
GOETIA "Hail Satan" CD/LP(B/M)
GRAVEWURM Ancient Storms of War MC (ltd. to #200 MC/Cass version of their debut album)
GRIMUACK- A.G.L.A. CD (raw B/M from Spain)
GROAN-It What Has Been (doom gothic metal from Poland)
HANGOVER-Terrorbeer MCD-R (retro black/thrash @#%$ you metal from Poland) pro-cover
HATE Awakening of the liar CD (NEW album)
HATE Evil decade of Hate CD
HATE Lord is avenger CD
HATE Victims CD
HATE FOREST Scythia MC (1st demo of this Ukrainian N/S horde)
HATE Abhorrence MC (original 1st demo, brutal death/B/M from Poland)
HATE Cain's Way CD
HATEFUL/SZRON-Key To Immortality/Frost eternal split CDR (NS satanic pagan B/M from Poland)
HATEPLOW-Everybody Dies MC (grind/death metal from USA ex Malevolent Creation)
HEFEYSTOS/ABUSIVENESS-Vilce Sjen/Watrajar split MC (two Polish pagan B/M hordes)
HELL-BORN - Hellblast CD/MC (satanic death/B/M from Poland
HELLOWEEN-Keeper Of The Seven Keys part I LP (power/speed metal from Germany)
HELLVETO "My eternal hegemony " MCDr (new single of this Slavonic project, ltd to #333 copies))
HELLVETO-Hellveto MC (atmospheric pagan B/M from Poland)
HELLVETO-Horned Sky MC (symphonic pagan B/M from Poland)
HELLVETO-Medieval Scream MC
HELLVETO-Medieval Scream CD (ltd to 500)
HERGORN/HELLVETO-split MC (NS B/M/pagan B/M from Poland)
HERJALF-Kiedy Topnieją Śniegi CDR/MC (atmospheric b/m)
HERMH-Angeldemon CD/MC (symphonic B/M from Poland)
HERMH-Taran LP (symphonic B/M from Poland)
HOLY DEATH-Forever Burning Ashes CD (B/M from Poland)
HOLY DEATH-Triumph Of Evil CD (apocalyptic B/M from Poland)
HORRIFIED Deus Diabolus Inversus CD (new album of this Greece band)
HORRORSCOPE "Pictures of pain" (thrash/death metal, Poland)
HORRORSCOPE-Worship Game MC (thrash/death metal from Poland)
IMAGO MORTIS-Mors Triumphalis CDR (NS raw B/M from Italy)
IMPERATOR-The Time Before Time CD/LP/MC (cult of thrash/death/B/M band's from Poland)
INFERNO-Duch Slovanske Sily CD (B/M from Czech Republic)
INFERNUM-Taur-Nu-Fuin CDR / MC (B/M with Graveland members)
KAAMOS-Live In Athens CDR (xero covers & sticker/Death Metal from Sweden) ltd.
KATHARSIS Ex Potestati Inferni MC (B/M from Poland)
KING CHAOS-Insane !!! CDR (Thrash/Death/B/M from Republic of South Africa)
KRISTALLNACHT-Creation Through Destruction MC (professional cover/NS B/M from France )
LANA LANE "Project shangri - La" CD
LEBENSSTEUER-Deadsmile CD (electric new metal from Poland)
LONGOBARDEATH/ TRUE ENDLESS-Ki l'e'Dur/Al Curnac Da Torghen MC (Thrash/Death/Black from Italy) 200 copies
LOST SOUL Scream of The Mourning Star CD
LOST SOUL Umbermenesch (Death God) (great death metal from Poland)
LUCIFUGUM ...A Kole So Wsie Skruput... MC (...and the Wheel Keeps Crunching...)
LUCIFUGUM Klejmo Egoisma (Stigma Egoism) MC (pagan B/M, Ukraine)
LUNA AD NOCTUM Dimness' Profound CD - B/M, Polska '02
LUNA AD NOCTUM-Dimness Profound CD/MC (fast B/M from Poland)
LUX OCCULTA-Forever Alone Immortal CD/MC
LUX OCCULTA-My Guardian Anger CD/MC/PLP (occult B/M from Poland) PLP limited to 333 copies
LUX OCCULTAThe Forgotten arts MC
MALEVOLENT CREATION-Eternal MC (brutal death metal from USA)
MEMEMBRIS-Demo 2001 CDR (B/M from Poland)
MISTERIA-Masquerade CD/MC (death/B/M from Poland)
MISTERIA-universe Funeral CD/MC
MOON-Daemon's Heart CD/MC (B/M from Poland; Cezar of Christ agony and Doc of Vader)
MOON-Satan's Wept CD/MC
MOONTOWER-The Wolf's Hunger MC (Anichristian B/M War from Poland)
MORBID ANGEL "Abominations of desolation"
MORBID EXECUTION-Necrotorment MC (Thrash/Black from Poland, ex Throneum) limited to 500
MORBID/MAYHEM-A Tribute To the Black Emperor MC (B/M from Scandinavia)
MORTUARY-His Majesty Return CDR (Pure Vampiric B/M from Poland)
MORTUARY-Satanicum Liturgy Misticum CDR (Satanic B/M from Poland)
MORTUUM-For Those To Left MC (doom/death metal )
MORTUUM-Servant Of Desire MC (doom death metal)
MOUDLED FLESH-Indulgence CDR (Brutal Death Metal from Poland)
MROK-Destroy Demo '98 MC (NS Aryan Noise Terror Black Ambient from Poland)
MROK-Radikall Demo '99 MC
MUTILATION Obssessed by reality (very good old school d/m from PL in veins Bolt Thrower, Grave )
MY INFINITE KINGDOM-Ecstasies Over Dreaming Lady MC (Slavonic Pagan B/M from Poland)
NAER MATARON-Live In Athens CDR (xero covers & sticker/Hellenic B/M from Greece)
NAER MATARON-Up From The ashes CD (B/M from Greece)
NECROMANCER-Seven Ways To Die CD (melodic death metal from Slovakia; Juraj Grezdo ex members of Thalarion)
NECROMICON Peccata Mundi CD (Black/Death Metal from Sweden)
NIGHTLY GALE- And Jesus Wept CD/MC (doom metal from Poland)
NIGHTLY GALE-The Bleeding Art MC (doom metal from Poland)
NOCTURNAL/DIABOLICAL/PAGAN WOODS/THE MYSTIC FULLMOON-Hordes Of The Black CDR (4 Unholy Pagan B/M hordes from Poland)
NOCTURNAL-It's Pure CDR (Unholy B/M from Poland)
NON IRON-Innym Niepotrzebni LP (heavy/thrash metal from Poland)
NORTH-As My Kingdom Rises MC
NORTH-Entering The Dark Kingdom MC
NORTH-From The Dark Past CD/MC (Slavonic B/M from Poland)
NORTH-Korona CD (Slavonic Pagan B/M from Poland)
NORTHLAND-Czernoboh CDR / MC (monumental Slavonic hate B/M from Poland)
NORTH-Promo '94 MC
NORTH-Thorns Of The Black Rose CDR/MC (pagan B/M from Poland)
NORTH-Wojna Trwa MC (Slavonic B/M from Poland)
NOSTRADAMUS-Vanitas Vanitatum MC (death/doom metal from Poland)
NOSTROMO-King Of Mars MC (ambient/gothic metal from Poland)
NUCLEAR DEATH (POL) -Morbid World MC Demo'90 (grindcore from Poland)
NUCLEAR DEATH (USA) -Welcome To the MindsOf The Morbid Demo"87 MC (total death/thrash/gore from USA)
OBSIDIAN-Niederkunst Des Chaos CDR (German war B/M) limited to 333 copies
ON THORNS I LAY "Angeldust" '02
ONE SECOND OF NOISE-Daisy Demo MC (80 extremaly tracks perversion noise/grind from Poland)
ORCRIST-Primitive Damnation CDR (Pure B/M from Italy) limited to #666
ORCRIST-The Third Imperium MC / CDR limited to 200 copies
ORDO TEMPLI AETERNAE LUCIS/HAYRAS-Ode Aux Annees Froides/Terroristes De La Foi split MC (raw B/M/France)
PANDEMONIUM "Devilri/The ancient Katatonia" 2CD (over 10000 copies "Devilri" '92 demo sold)
PANDEMONIUM-Devilri/The Ancient Catatonia 2CD (VERY GOOD B/M in veins of old Samael, Poland)
PARRICIDE-Illtreat CD (Polish brutal death metal in vein US style)
PERPETUAL DEMISE-arctic MC (avantgarde death metal from Belgium)
PERUNICA-Święte Dziedzictwo Przodków MC (NS B/M from Poland)
PERUNWIT-W Kręgu Dębów CDR (pagan folk B/M from Poland)
PROFANUM-Flowers Of Our black Misanthropy CDR/ MC (Slavonic B/M from Poland)
PROFANUM-Misanthropiae Floris CD/MC
PROFANUM-Museaum Esotericum CD/MC
PROFANUM-Profanum Aeternum CD/MC (symphonic B/M from Poland)
PRO-PAIN-Act Of God CD (thrashcore from USA)
PUTRIDITY-Putrid Brutal Attack CDR (Pure Death Metal from Poland)
PUTRIDITY-Putrid second Blasting Sickness CDR
RECTAL SLUDGE-Scraps Of Children's Meat MCD-R (brutal grind/death from Poland)
RHYMES OF DESTRUCTION A Sun Revolution CD (pagan b/m)
RUNEMAGICK-Requiem Of The Apocalypse CD (death metal from Sweden)
SACRADIS-Sacradis CDR (raw b/m from Italy)
SADIST-Lego MC (experimental metal from Italy)
SADNESS-Evangelion CD digi (B/M from Switzerland)
SANATORIUM-Arrival Of The Forgotten Ones CD (brutal death metal from Slovakia)
SARCASTIC-Corpse In Decomposition 7"EP (Death/Grind from Brasil)
SARKEL The Last Glory MC (pagan B/M, Hellveto member project, PL)
SAURON-Kraina Martwego Słońca+The Baltic Fog CDR (Pagan B/M from Poland)
SAXORIOR Portent of Eternity CD (b/m)
SEIGNEUR VOLAND-Consumatum Est MC (NS B/M from France)
SERENADE Plague of time MCD (their last material)
SERENADE The 28th pararell CD (doom from UK)
SERENADE The Chaos They Create CD (klimatyczny Doom z Anglii)
SHADE-Sounds Of Memory (chapter echo) MC (doom metal from Poland)
SIRRAH Did tomorrow come...
SKOLL/GRAVFERD-split CDR (monumental black / pagan raw B/M from Italy and Norway)
SLAYER Diabolus in musica
SOLAR DAWN-Equinocium CD (gothic/thrash metal)
SOULESS-Total Desecration CDR (Brutal Death Metal from Poland) limited edition
SPINAL CORD "Remedy" (v/g death/thrash from PL)
SPITE EXTREME WING-same MC (raw B/M from Italy)
STORMRIDER- Into Battle CDR (Death/B/M from Sweden)
SUN OF THEW SLEEPLESS-Poems Of The wretches Hearts MCD (B/M in vein Burzum, Darkthrone; Germany)
TENEBROSUS-Demo 2001 CD-R (NS raw B/M from Poland)
THANATOS Angelic encounters CD (3rd album of those d/m veterans from Ned)
THE ELYSIAN FIELDS "12ablaze" '02
THE LIGHT OF THE DARK/THRONEUM-Brotherhood In Darkness split MC (old school thrash/death/B/M from Mexico and Poland) limited to 333 copies
THE SECOND COMING-Opus I MC Demo '01 (satanic Raw B/M from Italy) limited edition
THE TRUE ENDLESS/GOBLINS SPELL- split 7"EP (Raw Black Meatl from Italy & Germany) limited to 444 copies
THE TRUE ENDLESS-Live And Raw MC (NS raw B/M from Italy) limited to 200 copies
THEMGOROTH-Highway Into The Unknown CD (symphonic doom/death metal from Poland)
THETRAGON Gate of Darkness CD (klimatyczny Black/Death Metal, Polska
THIRST-The Might Of The Pagan Belief MC (monumental unholy B/M from Poland)
THRONE OF SPLENDOUR (T.O.S.) "Facing the new dawn" MC (NS b/m from Italy)
THRONE OF SPLENDOUR-Lands Of Immortality Demo '99 (Hellenic B/M Art from Greece)
THRONEUM/THE LIGHT OF THE DARK split MC (obscure metal by those two hordes, ltd. to #333)
TITAN MOUNTAIN-Above Fangs Of Majestic Stonetitans MC (symphonic orchestral b/m from Poland)
TOTAL ECLIPSE-Omega 1 CDR (thrash/heavy metal from Poland)
TOTENHAUS Slit Your Throat (CD-R brutal Noise/Ambient, ltd. to 50 copies)
TOWER Mercury
TOWER Swan princess (v. good atmospheric death, PL)
TRAUMA-Comedy Is Over CD/MC
TRAUMA-Crash Test: Live CD/MC
TRAUMA-Daimonion CD/MC (super technical death metal from Poland)
TRAUMA-Suffocated Slumber MC
TREMOR-The Depth MC (Death Metal from Finland)
TSA-Heavy Metal World LP (english version) heavy metal from Poland
TSA-Heavy Metal World LP (polish version)
TYRRANICIDE-Hard Like A Machine 7"EP (Industrial from Mexico)
UMBILICUS MUNDIS L'Ancien Code CD (avantgarde Black/Doom/Death Metal)
UNHOLY ARCHANGEL-Demos CD (two demos and split tape Lust & Kult/War devastation B/M from Hellas)
UNNAMED-A Beauty Of Suffering MC (doom death metal from Poland)
UNNAMED-Id CD (gothic/heavy/death metal from Poland)
UNNAMED-The Black Monk MC (doom metal from Poland)
V/A A Tribute To Mercyful Fate CD (Emperor,Deceased,Notre dame,Armageddon,Dark tranquility,Luciferion,Immolation/
V/A Black Eyes' Aggression MC (The Under,Insanity Of Slaughter,Crifotoure Satanarda,Infernal Necromancy,Gorugoth,Hurusoma,
V/A Czarne Zastępy-Tribute to Kat CD/MC (Luciferion,Vader,Behemoth,Damnation,Hermh,Sacrilegium,Taranis,North,Grom/
VADER Angel of death MCD '02
VADER De profudis
VADER Litany
VADER Live in Japan
VADER Revelations
VALEFAR "Frigus ex tenebris venit MC (b/m from Lituania)
VALLES LACRIMARUM A Piece of Snails... CD-R (new synth ambient from PL)
VARATHRON-His Majesty at the swamp CD/MC/PLP (picture limited to 333 copies)
VARATHRON-The Lament Of the Gods CD/MC/PLP (B/M from Greece) PLP limited to 333 copies
VESANIA-Firefrost Arckanum CD (black/death metal from Poland)
VICIOUS RUMORS-Cyberchrist CD (thrash metal from USA)
VIOLATION Beyond the graves CD (d/m from Sweden)
VOIVOD "Negatron"
VOIVOD "Phobos
VOMITO-Gore Mutilation 7"EP (brutal satanic death/grind from Brasil)
VOO DOO-Heavy Metal LP (heavy power metal from Poland)
WAR HAMMER Slaughter Is My Regime MC (barbarian War Black/Death Metal from Brasil)
WARGRINDER/BLASPHEMOUS NOISE TORMENT-split MC (two nuclear katasrophic war B/M from Hellas and Italy) limited to 500 copies
WINDS OF GARDEN-Dusze Martwych Drzew MC (symphonic art. B/M from Poland/LON of Hellveto)
WITCHMASTER-Masochistic Devil Worship CD/MC
WITCHMASTER-Violence And Blasphemy CD/MC (fast B/M from Poland)
YATTEREING Murders concept
YATTEREING Human's pain
IMMORTAL - Damned in black PLP
IN THE WOODS-Epitaph/Karmakosmik 7"EP
MALEDICTION Mould of industrial horizon 7" EP
MAYHEM - Grand declaration of war LP
ORDER FROM CHAOS-Plateau Of Invincibility 10" MLP
S.B.S.-Taste It 7"EP
SALTUS-Slowianska Duma LP
SUFFER On sour ground 7" EP
TOXIC NARCOTIC-New Ways To Create Waste 7"EP
TOXIC NARCOTIC-Popullution 7"EP TURBO-Dorosłe Dzieci LP
TURBO-Kawaleria szatana LP
TURBO-Ostatni Wojownik LP
VULPECULA-Fons Immortalis MLP
BOOTLEGS (cdrs with xero covers):
ASSASSIN "Live bootleg"
BATHORY "The black essence"
BEHERIT "Werewolf semen and blood"
BEHERIT The ghosts of death (demos, rehearsals, promos, unreleased tracks etc., 28 tracks and over 74 min of pure blasphemy)
BEHERIT/IMPALED NAZARENE "The day of darkness festival"
BURZUM "Ragnarok (a new beginning)"
BURZUM Demo 1 & 2
BURZUM Blast from the ancient past / Svarte dauen"
CARCASS "Live Dismemberment" + live in Bufflo 1990
CARCASS/CATHEDRAL "Gods of grind on tour"
DARKTHRONE "A night of unholy black metal"
DARKTHRONE "Sadomasochistic rites" (rehearsal from 1991)
DARKTHRONE "Det forste vinter" (all 3 DT demos and promo)
DARKTHRONE/MAYHEM "The true legends in black"
DEATH "Early demos I"
DEATH "Early demos II"
DISMEMBER "Demos '88-'90"
IMMORTAL "Live At Estadio Chile"
MAYHEM "Dawn of the black hearts"
MAYHEM "From the darkest past"
MAYHEM "Ha-Elm-Zalag"
MAYHEM "Pure @#%$ armageddon"
MAYHEM The true black split w/THOU SHALT SUFFER & ZEMIAL
MAYHEM In memorium
MAYHEM War & Sodomy
MAYHEM/MORBID "a tribute to black emperors"
MORBID ANGEL "evil demos"
MORBID ANGEL "live 86-88"
MORTUARY DRAPE "The chronicel of .."
TREBLINKA "Treblinka" 2cdr
TYPE'O'NEGATIVE "Live rare and hard"
VLAD TEPES / BELKETRE March to the black holocaust
ULVER/IMMORTAL split (old demos)
T-SHIRTS (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!about 400 designs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Ask for them ...