Upgrade from Logic 8 to 9?


Celestial Recordings
May 17, 2010
North Wales, UK
I'm considering it.

Are there any signigicant changes/fixes in Logic 9 compared to 8?

I've got a smooth, satisfying work flow with 8 and no my way around the DAW.

Is it worth it? Pros? Cons?

I can't imagine how I could live without the "enhanced take editing" function.
Enhanced take editing.
You can now perform basic edit functions in open take folders, without leaving Quick Swipe Comping. Cut regions and parts, rearrange them in time, or move them between take lanes.
Sounds simple, (and it is simple) but makes life so much easier.
Flex Time is a very big bonus, of course.. and bounce in place is nice to reduce cpu-usage without having complicated bouncing sessions.

There are a a few bigger changes but the majority is small fixes and improvements that make everything easier. Imho, of course.
Thanks for the reply dude :)

Reading through that now! Flex Time looks very interesting and so does the Speed Fades!

Any problems opening Logic 8 files in it? Lose any presets or have to re locate plugins etc?
Yeah, doing fades is easier yet more versatile in Logic 9.
I don't have a lot of experience importing Logic 8 projects with the newer version, the few old projects I opened worked flawless (even Logic Express 8 -> Logic Pro 9)

Logic 9 felt more like Logic 8.5 to me (flex time took aside) - nice, small improvements in workflow and clarity. Totally worth it, nontheless.
what about the amp sims? i thought they are supposed to be much much better/versatile(maybe not for metal as the logic 8 ones are terrible for anything with hi gain)

also im newer to this production/recording/engineering thing and im just learning logic pro 8. should i learn 8 fully before upgrading? or just upgrade as soon as i have the resources?