Upgrading the processor in my PC


Apr 6, 2010
Hey guys, after being fed up with CPU overloads and not being able to use vst's properly ect, Im going to upgrade my processor.

My current computer is a HP desktop from around '04 or '05. The current processor is an AMD athlon XP 3000+ 2.10 GHz.

What should i look for?? What processor would go good for my comp? I'm not to experienced with buying aftermarket computer parts

What im looking at is this: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5235311&sku=I69-6500
that look good?

Dude, you can't just drop an Intel processor into an AMD motherboard. Plus, pretty much any processor you upgrade to that is on the market right now is going to have a different socket than the AMD you currently have. You basically need a new computer if you want to upgrade.
I would go for an Athlon Phenom II x6, it beats intels in the same price range. And I think the motherboards are a bit cheaper too.