Uploading music on torrents


A Former Somebody
Jan 6, 2011
So I've heard some bands giving their music, or parts of albums away on torrents, has anyone here done that, and if so, have you seen any benefits or drawbacks of doing such a thing? Besides the obvious loss in CD sales.

I had a couple of friends wanting to upload their CD to the pirate bay and promote it for free, and I was curious about the effects.
Most signed bands make very little money from album sales. It's getting more and more common for small bands to just give away thier music as a way to increase sales of their merchandise. A lot of people seem to have faith in this business model, although I don't have any experience with it personally.
Give away music on line with a donation option but still have physical CDs for sale by mail order, bigcartel.com, and at shows. Also include a free instant download when someone orders a physical CD. You can also put your music up on itunes too if you wish (having your music on itunes seems to make your band look more "legit" to the typical uneducated fan)
Tbh you might aswell put it up on bandcamp with a "pay what you feel it's worth" option.
Just leaving it lying around on a torrent site isn't really effective promotion though, it'll just sit next to literally millions of other downloads.
If you actually want to promote it by giving it away, upload it to a filehost, and send that link around to as many blogs (law obiding and otherwise) as you can.
Tbh you might aswell put it up on bandcamp with a "pay what you feel it's worth" option.
Just leaving it lying around on a torrent site isn't really effective promotion though, it'll just sit next to literally millions of other downloads.
If you actually want to promote it by giving it away, upload it to a filehost, and send that link around to as many blogs (law obiding and otherwise) as you can.

+1. Even just uploading it to Grooveshark, Spotify or Soundcloud would be good too. That way people can listen to the full album first to see if they like it or not, and then download on your bandcamp or make a donation, or you can just charge something cheap like $5. I don't think that's asking a lot, especially if you like the music.
What my band does is we don't even press CD's anymore everything goes on vinyl for the people that actually want to purchase it, we have it up for free on our bandcamp / facebook and as many blogs as we can get to host it. We like sharing our links because at least that way we can tell who's downloading it! People are just going to steal it anyway so may as well give them a better physical product to buy (in my opinion) and have good quality downloads available for the people that don't want a record.