Ur favorite Rush albums?

Man, that sure is a tough question. I think maybe Moving Pictures. I really like all of their albums, though I think the first half is better than the second half, if you know what i mean.
Permanent Waves.

Analog Kid, are you really seriously into the new one, Vapor Trails? I've given it a few listens and it comes of as way too simplistic and mundane to me. There are a few songs that stand out, but most of it is kind of blah. Although that's the way I felt about TFE when it came out, now I love it! I'll have to give VT a few more chances.
absolutely mid period:


i think now they sucks!

VAPOUR TRAILS is a pale return to harder stuffs...

really sad...

Hard to understand all the hostility towards Vapor trails. It has some of the best individual performances from each member of the band that they have put to tape in quiet a while, especially Neil. There are very few sub-par songs on the album as well and, in connection with that, I find it to be the most listenable album - from end to end - they have made since Hold Your Fire. "Earthshine" alone has one of the catchiest riffs Alex has written in a long time, instant classic. The bass is up front and in your face, the drums are some of the best Neil has ever done, there's a rawer sound overall and it's exceptionally heavy. What's not to like?
I'm sure VT will grow on me, I love just about everything else Rush has done. I guess it just strikes me as very simplistic (for Rush anyways). I like the melodies, and the sound (esp the bass), but the drums just dont floor me and there are very few progressive twists and turns as in previous cds (e.g. Driven, Leave that thing alone, Stick it out).
Now that I know what Rush albums to get, what Marillion albums are the best?

I confess I'm new to prog (not Dream Theater prog, they blow) and I have Trespas by Genesis, Hold Your Fire by Rush and In the Court...by King Crimson. What else should I get?

absolutely LARKS TONGUES IN ASPIC and RED by king crimson

then FRAGILE and YES ALBUM by yes


if you find it MEKANIK DESTRUKTIVE KOMMANDOH by magma(they're a bit strange but they rock!)

devil doll's album(contemporary italian prog really weird)

BRAIN SALAD SURGERY and TARKUS by emerson lake and palmer

and the list goes on and on....

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
My top 5:

Power Windows
Grace under Pressure
and maybe.... I'll pick PRESTO --- because it gets forgotten about so often and contains some of Rush's best tracks IMHO: Scars and Available Light!

Vapor Trails has a long "warming to" time it seems - has not hit me like their other albums (yet?!). I agree to Light: I miss the keys and the really catchy tunes like there were so many on Counterparts.

Still happy and grateful though that Rush are back in the first place!
For Marillion albums its pretty easy, you simply have to get any album with Fish, anything else is pretty disapointing.

As for other recommendations, as previously mentionned, some Yes would be in order, I really like Close to the Edge, Fragile and Tales from Topographic Oceans.

Gentle Giant is always a fun listen, Three Friends is my personal favorite.

You will also need so King Crimson, depending on your tastes I recommend all the discography because its all very different from album to album...
