What is ur favorite Marillion album?

Oddly enough I've been listening to a lot of Marillion latelly.

But this is a pretty hard question to answer.

I absolutely love Marillion...but I have to admit that in some ways I'm more partial to the Hogarth era than I am the Fish era. That's not to say that one is definitely better than the other (though Marillion fans will often beg to differ) because both eras have definite flashes of brilliance.

Of the Fish era I'd say that Misplaced Childhood and Fugazi are my favorites....Some absolutely amazing stuff there. If you don't have them, get them. Also worth checking out is the singles box of Fish era stuff that came out a year or so ago. Cool stuff.

From the Hogarth era I'm gonna have to go with...Brave and Anoraknophobia. Anoraknophobia was the first album to come along in a long, long time that made me genuinely excited about music again (I was hooked after about 2 listens and yes, this was quite a while before I came into the Swano Camp). And although Holidays In Eden is a much maligned Marillion album, I still like it and listen to it quite often.

I love BOTH Era's of Marillion...

With Fish = Misplaced Childhood and Clutching at Straws.

There a certain Over-the-top quality to Fish and these are some of his best work IMO

With Steve H...M. aaah, whichever one it is :)

I really like Brave and Seasons End

A more smooth approach , very atmospheric.

Is it me or does the song "Wicked Game" by Chris Issac sound like a SE B-side??
Hi all!

Fish-era: Script for a jesters tear

Hogarth-era: Anoraknophobia

The first and the latest, strange is'nt it!?

My favourite songs from all the years are these:

Chelsea monday(ever since I heard it live in Scotland last year)
The web
forgotten sons
3 boats down from the candy
blind curve(how can we justify, they call us civilised)
childhoods end
heart of lothian
Slainte Mhath
Sugar Mice
White Russian
the release
the king of sunset town
Splintering Heart
Waiting To Happen
Cover My Eyes pain And Heaven
Living with the Big Lie
The Hollow Man
The Great Escape(can't wait till I hear these live on the 5 of april in England)
Afraid of Sunlight
Beyond You
One Fine Day
This Strange Engine
80 Days
Under the Sun
Born to Run
Now She'll Never Know
Tumble Down the Years
Map of the World
When I Meet God
This is the 21st Century
Between You and Me
+I also love Fish's new album "Fellini days"

Thanks for reading!

I have only heard Fugazi and Seasons End ... and some random songs, i must say that i think Fish's singing sucks (c'mon ... his lyrics are awesome, but his voice ...nnnnaaaaaaahhhhh) ... Seasons End is a masterpiece though, Easter is one of the best songs ever, i think ive played that song about 20 times in a row when i got the album, steve rothery shure can make me cry with his playing !
I started listening to Fish and Marillion a while back, after my brother had found them some five years ago. At the time i thought that the post-Fish albums were clearly the ones that spoke to me. But that changed. I attended a concert with Fish and that changed my views on his voice. I saw the depth and the complexity in him which Hogart lacks.

My opinion is that post-Fish albums are missing that energy, arrangements and warm feeings that im still getting from pre albums.