Lovin' the stock Pro Tools click. I actually bounced the downbeat sample and the upbeat sample to use in place of Reaper's awful click.

You are literally the first person I ever hear saying that. Most musician's I work with ask for a different metronome the moment they hear the default Pro Tools click, and I agree, it's just awful especially at higher volumes.

The marimba click is ok, though.
Hate the stock pro tools click, can be loud as hell but still struggles to cut through I find.

TL Metro set to rim click is really good imo.

I prefer the 'smoothstick' sound.

I was just thinking last night that I should get those samples out because I can never find a good click sound in Reaper.

I like to have my click on a few audio tracks so I can customize it. Beat 1 accent click, 1/4 note click, 1/8th note shaker.
I use the stock Reaper click. Doesn't bother me at all. Of course, it'll probably start bugging me now since it's been brought to my attention. Thanks guys.:Smug: