Urgent Help! (n00b question inside)


Nov 1, 2009
So I've got this band coming to record with me tomorrow, and they want me to mic their cabs.
Now, there's no way in hell I'm just going to mic their cabs and be done with it, and I DEFINITELY want to take DI's.

So how do I track a mic'd cab and a DI in one performance?

I've got a PODxt, if that helps.

I'm supposing I could run the input into the POD, bypass the POD, and run 1 output to the amp, and 1 output to my interface?

Would this work?
do you have a reamp box?

I think youll have to have one to do this!

and not saying you wont have better results, but I miced up a vader cab//6505, vader cab//krankenstein, krank cab//6505, krank cab//krankenstein. with a 1 and then 2 sm57s. I did every position, moved the amps in different positions around the room, used diff amp settings, and after 3 hours couldnt get a tone better than my ampsim tones. (they had a ts as well)

again, not saying those amps suck, or that you cant get good tones out of what they bring, but coming from someone who uses digital shit alllll the time, then trying out of the blue to mic a cab. it didnt go as easy and good as i thought it would, even with their good equipment.
So I've got this band coming to record with me tomorrow, and they want me to mic their cabs.
Now, there's no way in hell I'm just going to mic their cabs and be done with it, and I DEFINITELY want to take DI's.

So how do I track a mic'd cab and a DI in one performance?

I've got a PODxt, if that helps.

I'm supposing I could run the input into the POD, bypass the POD, and run 1 output to the amp, and 1 output to my interface?

Would this work?
I think that may just work. You should do a quick test before the session though.
Not ideal, but your idea should work well enough. Another option I've used in the past is having a stomp box that has two outs on it. In my case a Boss CE-5, with the effect off. A DI/Reamp box would work perfect, but that's not your current situation. If at all possible use a splitter/stomp box. If not, use the Pod. My negatives on the Pod vs a stomp box is that getting the output volume on the Pod to be equal to what you're feeding it can be less than scientific.
do you have a reamp box?

I think youll have to have one to do this!

and not saying you wont have better results, but I miced up a vader cab//6505, vader cab//krankenstein, krank cab//6505, krank cab//krankenstein. with a 1 and then 2 sm57s. I did every position, moved the amps in different positions around the room, used diff amp settings, and after 3 hours couldnt get a tone better than my ampsim tones. (they had a ts as well)

again, not saying those amps suck, or that you cant get good tones out of what they bring, but coming from someone who uses digital shit alllll the time, then trying out of the blue to mic a cab. it didnt go as easy and good as i thought it would, even with their good equipment.

I don't have a reamp box, though I plan on getting one.
It's on my LONG, LONG, LONG, expensive list of things to get for the studio.

TS, 5150, Reamp, DIbox, new monitors.. The list goes on. It sucks.

And actually.. I miced up a Marshall MG100 through a Crate cab today and it sounded okay.
It was a little fizzy, but I actually liked it. I might post clips.

Solid state, ftw.
I definitely agree.
I would really like one!

Btw, using my PODxt, I can't seem to BYPASS the POD itself from the POD. I've gone into the Line 6 Control Panel and switched the settings to "Send Clean Guitar", but for this to work, I've got to switch my Audio Drivers to the PODxt in Reaper for it to get the clean guitar.

With my audio devices on the PODxt, and not my Presonus FireStudio, I cannot get the mic'd cab signal.

Does this make sense?
And is there anyway around this?

Basically.. I know how to get the mic'd guitar signal, and I know how to get the PODxt clean signal, but I can't do both at the same time with the way I'm doing it.

Need advice! :(

I really don't want to make him track the guitar parts twice for a DI and amp.
No I dont think you should do it that way.
I can set up my PODxt to send clean guitar but it sends the clean guitar via the SPDIF
interface which is not what you want.
You want the unbalanced analog out of the POD to be equal to the raw guitar input so that
you can send Left out to the amp and Right to the Presonus.
You need to setup the POD on the front panel so that all effects and amps and cabs
are disabled such that analog out equals the raw guitar in ( I am not sure it can be done !! ).
You should set your DAW to use the presonus interface at all times.
No I dont think you should do it that way.
I can set up my PODxt to send clean guitar but it sends the clean guitar via the SPDIF
interface which is not what you want.
You want the unbalanced analog out of the POD to be equal to the raw guitar input so that
you can send Left out to the amp and Right to the Presonus.
You need to setup the POD on the front panel so that all effects and amps and cabs
are disabled such that analog out equals the raw guitar in ( I am not sure it can be done !! ).
You should set your DAW to use the presonus interface at all times.

That's exactly what I want.

I want raw guitar in, and raw guitar out.
But any setting I try on the POD has some coloration to it.

Even when I go into manual mode and bypass the amp. It still has some "fizz" to it.
Any ideas?
I think the problem is the fucken POD, its just not flexible enough.
I really think you need to accelerate your purchase of a DI box,
they are not that expensive, you dont need reamp capability because
the POD can do that.
You're gonna need a DI, I don't think there's any way around it, every engineer should have one on hand anyways, even if you don't go all out and buy a $200 box like a Countryman or Radial, you would probably get better results than trying to "ghetto rig" it like you're doing now... I don't use POD, but it sounds like it's ghetto rigged to me haha, like you're trying to do something it wasn't meant to do. I have a J48 for studio stuff, but before that I was using Horizon Straightline DI's for years (mostly for live stuff). Great little boxes, and you can find them for like $30 if you look around.
DI is a best way for what you want but if you can't affort this right now, you can have an other solution...

Use a boss TU2 tuner for split signal on two. One go to amp and other to pod DI...