Urgent help needed! coffee in tube amp!


May 1, 2005
My guitarist managed to spill half a cup of coffee into my peavey XXX and so far ive cleaned it as much without opening up the circuitry and all the power amp valves are well and truely fucked.

Does anyone know if there is anything that can be done to save the amp as i think it might be a rather large paper weight t the moment

And if anyone knows a guy who fixes valve amps in london or essex that would be cool, Cheers.
DanAbela said:
My guitarist managed to spill half a cup of coffee into my peavey XXX and so far ive cleaned it as much without opening up the circuitry and all the power amp valves are well and truely fucked.

Does anyone know if there is anything that can be done to save the amp as i think it might be a rather large paper weight t the moment
hit your guitarist... hard.. in the face... a lot of times.

that wont fix your amp but it will make you feel better.

this kind of thing is why i forbid drinks on amps in my studio, sessions i do elsewhere, and any rehearsal for one of my projects.... live as well, and that's one of the places you see drinks sit right on top of tube amps all the damn time.... it looks stupid anyway, and what happened to you proves that it IS stupid.

i would simply make him buy me another one, brand new... or he'd be taking it upside his head.... seriously.. you shouldn't even have to deal with having a "repaired" amp.... it's his responsibility, so tell him to be a man and take care of it. repairing doesn't guarantee it will ever be the same, i wouldn't even consider it an option.
I have the same policy as James in my studio, even with drinks that have bottlecaps like bottled water...

One time, my (ex) rhythm guitarist brought his stupid bong to the studio and set it on top of my amp, while I was still driving out to the studio. Once I arrived, I nearly killed him... if bongwater had spilled into my amp, (to borrow from Hellraiser) his suffering would have been legendary, even in Hell! That motherfucker also put a dent in a brand-new guitar I had just gotten at that time, and wouldn't own up to it. Needless to say, his time in the band was only about 2 months, he was a constant problem.

Ever since then, I also don't allow drugs in the studio... I hate stoners anyway....

Back to the topic at hand, your guitarist owes you a new amp. One time I blew out the speaker in my drummer's keyboard amp (by accident) and I replaced that within a week. It's the honest thing to do.
Kazrog said:
I have the same policy as James in my studio, even with drinks that have bottlecaps like bottled water...
Ever since then, I also don't allow drugs in the studio... I hate stoners anyway....

Back to the topic at hand, your guitarist owes you a new amp. One time I blew out the speaker in my drummer's keyboard amp (by accident) and I replaced that within a week. It's the honest thing to do.

He has leant me a Marshall power amp / Pre amp rig to get me by at the moment and im making him pay for all the repairs it needs (i think the circuit board maybe fried)

In the studio i have the same rules, no drinks on amp or equipment, and defo no drugs, theres nothing worse than having some twat who you are trying to record and hes off his face.
How is it that your "guitarist" spilled the bean juice of the lord into YOUR XXX amp?

James and kazrog you guys are way to fuckin harsh... we are talking about peavyes... not Dumbles.
EtherForBreakfast said:
How is it that your "guitarist" spilled the bean juice of the lord into YOUR XXX amp?

James and kazrog you guys are way to fuckin harsh... we are talking about peavyes... not Dumbles.

But if you're in the process of recording an album, have a specific tone dialed in with an amp then you've basically got to redo the whole thing, new tones, different amp, all that. Even if its no big deal, it still wastes time, which is very, very precious in the studio (especially if you're on the clock and shelling out $$$). In addition its just common respect for other people's property. I never set anything on someone else's gear unless I ask first, and I never put beverages on someone's equipment (though I will admit, I set stuff on mine sometimes).

Plus you have to keep in mind that its James's studio and Shane's studio, they set the rules. Just like when you walk into someone's house and they have a no-shoe rule, or a no smoking inside the house rule, etc.. You gotta honor it.
Go down to Denmark Street, on the left hand side at end is 'Andys guitar shop' there is a tech upstairs that has fixed a few of my mates amps.

Also, there is Wild guitars in north london. I can't remember exactly where they are but the owner is a tech and really knows his shit (he re-capped a JMP while I was browsing the shop and it's only about 8mx8m!)

Edited for early morning spelling mistakes.
Ask him to pay you what a new amp costs, give him the old amp and tell him to do whatever he wants with it. If he wants to repair it and sell it, he would at least make some of the money back. Your amp will never be like it used to be and it's not really fair that you have to suffer for it.

I also don't allow drinks in the control room. Smoking is of course even more prohibited. Don't really care about drugs (I know some people who DO play/sing better after a joint), it's up to the band. If they can't perform, then they have to book more days=more money for me, haha.
tgs said:
Ask him to pay you what a new amp costs, give him the old amp and tell him to do whatever he wants with it. If he wants to repair it and sell it, he would at least make some of the money back. Your amp will never be like it used to be and it's not really fair that you have to suffer for it.

I also don't allow drinks in the control room. Smoking is of course even more prohibited. Don't really care about drugs (I know some people who DO play/sing better after a joint), it's up to the band. If they can't perform, then they have to book more days=more money for me, haha.

Why would smoking tobacco be different from smoking weed? They both damage the insides of you gear.
Razorjack said:
Why would smoking tobacco be different from smoking weed? They both damage the insides of you gear.

Aaaah, no no no no no! I don't let ANYONE smoke ANYTHING in the studio! But they can always go outside, or to the "smoking lounge" (also known as "the hallway"). Not all drugs are smoked though, but that's a whole other story.
EtherForBreakfast said:
How is it that your "guitarist" spilled the bean juice of the lord into YOUR XXX amp?

James and kazrog you guys are way to fuckin harsh... we are talking about peavyes... not Dumbles.
look.. go tell you little brother how to live... not me, i'm a grown man and guess what? no one has ever spilled shit in any of my amps, because they don't have a chance. now mind your own "bitness". anyway it doesn't matter if it's an 'effin Crate, if it's what you play through you need to protect it. are you really trying to suggest that since it was "just a peavey" that it should be cool to set drinks on it? gimme a break man, and here's an idea for ya.. stop trying to "chastise" others for their opinions when they were solicited by the starter of the thread... because in this guy's case prevention would have been the only real cure. your opinion about my advice was not solicited, and as of the last time i checked you are not my minder.

ps.. i'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you at least believe what you are saying for yourself.... at least i wil if you'll take $800 of your own money and set it on fire in front of me. do that, and i'll apologize for my post above.:loco:

Any way, If that happened to me, I'd tie the guy to a pole with his legs spread and I'd pay all my neece's friends (they are all around 8 years old) a euro for each time they kicked him in the nads. Then I'd fix the amp to his rectum and ask him to buy me a new one.

Once, another band that rehearsed in the same room we did left my keyboard amp turned on (I dunno why the fuck they were using it) and an ashtray full of shit on my keyboards. Long story short: they no longer rehearse at our joint.
EtherForBreakfast said:
How is it that your "guitarist" spilled the bean juice of the lord into YOUR XXX amp?

James and kazrog you guys are way to fuckin harsh... we are talking about peavyes... not Dumbles.

We're talking about an $800 (USD) amp here. That's not pocket change to me, and even if it was, this is a matter of principal, not monetary value.
Regardless... The Pottery Barn / John Kerry rule still applies.

"You break it, you fix it".

James - If I ever burn $800 in front of you, I'll be banging Katie Holmes and making shitty movies like War of the Worlds. In other words, I'd be Tom Cruise.