Urgently need assistance from the crew!


Neon Black Assassin
Jan 28, 2002
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A while back I saw a quote on here that went along the lines of, "No man ever steps in the same river twice because it is never the same river, and he is never the same man."

Can anyone tell me who said this quote? I'm giving a speech for a GED class graduation this Tuesday, and i'd like to use that.

Thanks Neverheads!
it was Heraclitus i beleive...

It was my signature a while ago... quite an intersting perception of life i think... although sometimes he can be a bit vague, and other times a little too blunt... if that is at all possible in philosophy...

Originally posted by Unregistered
it was Heraclitus i beleive...

It was my signature a while ago... quite an intersting perception of life i think... although sometimes he can be a bit vague, and other times a little too blunt... if that is at all possible in philosophy...


Thanks Trapped...I knew I saw it from you, but I wasn't 100% sure.

ANYTHING is possible in philosophy, my friend.
PratlPoet: No problem and thanks for the welcome.

That quote is pretty simple to figure out actually. The man is never the same since he stepped in the river once before so he has gained experience. The river is not the same because it is ever changing. Basically whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger (smarter, wiser).
Actually, these quotes more have to do with a question of change vs static. I took a philosophy class and we discussed this guy. A popular debate among philosophers at the time was whether the world is ever-changing or static and unchanging. The people for the static side had some strange debates that i don't want to into right now, but Heraclitus was for the ever changing side. If u want a quote that'll really blow your mind, Heraclitus had a student who quickly became a respected philosopher that took that quote a step farther. he said :
'No man ever steps in the same river ONCE'
i 'spose he means that as you're stepping into the river, the water is moving, things are changing etc.. That guy was pretty much a nut though :D