URS Channel Strip Pro / 1176 Query


Im guybrush threepwood
Jun 16, 2004
Bristol, United Kingdom
Something that confuses me about this plugin is that it appears to have the 1176 modelled with its 5 different compression ratios... however what happens if you leave fet 20 on, and then reduce your compression ratio to 4:1with the control. Or maybe worse, all buttons in mode, reduced to a compression ratio of 4:1 say. Obviously its only modelling but I am slightly confused by it, and the outcomes it might have.

Whilst on it, can anyone enlighten me as to how the 1176 circuitry works with regards to all buttons in. Is it simply an addition type thing, e.g. 20+12+8+4 for 44:1 ratio, or does it compound?

Im pretty tired tonight so thought i'd just go for the question rather than googling the answer to death :dopey: