URS EQ Plugins?

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
This may have come up on here before; I can't remember. But has anyone used these? I'm definitely interested in them. I have the UAD-1 card but haven't purchased the Cambridge because I keep hearing it doesn't do the high boost thing well. I would love a killer EQ plugin.

I'm looking at the URSS (which I heard is based on the Sony Oxford), but the Neve is interesting too, of course. I always have to EQ the living heck out of snare especially, so something that will let me boost high end nicely without sounding terrible would be great.

i think the cambridge is pretty cool for the money.. it's what i used to EQ the DÅÅTH guitars... handled the top end fine.
The Cambridge is very good for me but I've never tried to do a high boost (actually I almost always use the eq to cut rather than boosting)... The Pultec EQ on the UAD-1 has also done wonders for me !

Edit : Have you tried the Sonalksis eq ? Sounded pretty good to me as well.
Pultec Pro is a great for guitars!

The shaping options almost seem custom tailored for how you would intuitively want to wideband process guitars... And it's definitely sweet on the high end.

Brett, yeah I seem to end up cutting with the Cambridge more than boosting, too. The HP/LP filters are awesome.

Anyone tried the Precision EQ on guitars or in general? That one's next on my list.
OK, I got the demos of these and they sound good so far. I'll have to put them through their paces more to decide if I need them or not, but so far they're pretty nice (obviously I haven't used their hardware counterparts, so I can't say if they got it in the ballpark or not). I did a quick (and I mean QUICK) demo of a section of one of our new songs with them last night to see how it came out. Sorry about the guitar playing being sloppy in spots; I was very rushed.

Here is the clip.

Not that you can judge EQs by listening to some MP3 and not hearing the original source material, but I figured I'd post it for the heck of it.

Let's see...that's API on the kick, SSL on the snare, SSL on the guitars (High Pass Filter only, no actual EQ), and Neve on the bass (I didn't actually have a bass, so that's just a guitar DI'd through the 9098/Distressor, pitch shifted down an octave, and run through Nigel for distortion).
Powerful you have become, the dark side I sense in you.

Powercore is awesome. It would be tough for me to choose between Powercore and UAD if I could only have one.

UAD has the glamourous vintage gear plugins, but Powercore is just downright utilitarian and useful. In a weird way, I use the Powercore for more routine stuff to leave my UAD cards free for all the tasty stuff.

Also, Master X5 changed everything for me from the mastering standpoint. I was already getting better masters like 5 minutes after installing it, thanks to some tips from evildonkeymaster.

If anyone is considering a Powercore PCI card, I'd suggest buying a used Element, then upgrading it to a MkII. That way, you get to keep the Element and get $300 off the MkII. You can even turn around and sell the Element, just with the limitation that it probably can't be upgraded again.