EQ Question

Wow I just cut the freq's suggested and god damn its cleaned them up a shit load! Thankyou! One last thing is....the guitars sound a bit "scooped" not exactly in your face due to taking out frequencies...what kinda thing can I do to bring some brightness and punch back to the guitars without bringing the hissy crap back?
This sounds kind of funny, but subtractive eq doesnt add up to much with high gain guitars. If your cutting big holes in your midrange to get closer to the sound you want, its likely your tones werent vibing with the mix in the first place. You really want to nail a tone that you enjoy without eq, and then eq just a becomes a big enhancement, not a correction.

You should be able to shelve out the highs from 9-12 and up completely out as well lows 60-75hz and down completely out as well, and end up with a very functional guitar sound. From there its best to find the frequencies you want accentuated, which in most cases is gonna be the frequencies that will help the guitars sit better in the mix. Your gonna find that you want an eq with alot of frequency options, so a 5 or more band parametric eq and or a good graphic with adjustable bandwidth will really be to your advantage to have. You may even use multiple eqs if wanna get very particular.
Yeah I see what you mean. Actually ive just cranked the mix up now and I think the guitars actually sound damn good as they are tbh. I think it was me being so used to them being bright and tinny and low volume then cranking the speakers and hearing the cleaner version. I dont think I need to do much....obv a few tweaks here and there but nothing major :) Its all good!

Thankyou sir!
Quick update: Just found a few frequencies that seem to have taken a shit load of high end fizz out of cymbals. Cutting around 4K and 8.5K....might help somebody like me? Never know :) Just thought id post it.