Barth Vader said:
"Faith" doesn't necessarily equal "religion." People can have "faith" without espousing a particular set of religious beliefs.
I agree. I think that Bush's political strategists chose that term because it's so non-descript.
FauxPerspicacity said:
Our government is based on a good deal of Judeo Christian ideals. You can't totoally remove religion from our government since our leaders have based their laws on their religion.
I agree. Also, our elected representatives at least claim to be religious because most of our citizens are. Religion is big in politics because it's big with the people.
It's not separation of religion and government, it's separation of church and state. It's an institutional separation. They are supposed to be kept separate so that neither institution can corrupt the other.
This money is going towards church programs which are meant to help kids deal with social issues, help recovering drug addicts, and other community based social work. This money is very important to these programs and to the churches which implement them. Surely, many of the people who work in these churches, including the preachers, will be greatful for the President's support and will return that support. Those who disagree with his policies, will be concerned that the money will stop coming if they speak up about it. As they consider how much good they could do for their communities with a new basketball court, they become very tempted to go along with his policies. The preachers are then more likely to praise Bush and all that he's doing on Sundays where people are at their most vulnerable. In this, the church is being corrupted and manipulated by the government.
Also, what's to stop the bulk of this money from being specifically given to radical Evangelical churches with firey pro-Bush sermans and agendas? While they're breaking down confused, frightened, and vulnerable kids and addicts to to accept Christ as their savior, will they be giving pro-Bush rhetoric along side the Gospel? Will they be filling their heads with hatred for Muslims? Will they be preparing them for a holy war?
Even if it's not as bad as all that, and it probably isn't, our tax dollars are funding Christian conversions.
Does anyone believe that this money is going to Synagogs and Mosques?
Meanwhile, there are secular, governmental and non-governmental organizations specifically meant to help these same kids, addicts, and others with the same problems, within the same communitees, which are drastically under-funded and have been for years. That's where our tax dollars should go.