US Military: Violent international gangs??


Southern born, metal bred
Dec 13, 2004
this is how the wife of a member of one of my favorite bands in the world [Corrosion of Conformity] described the US military to me... as a 'violent gang.'
the US is an 'international criminal organization,' with our government, as well as every US citizen being complicit. :OMG:

she went on to tell me that unless i fell into lockstep with those views [i most definitely DO NOT], that i basically should stop listening to COC [a band i've loved and supported before she ever married their bassist].

the whole argument between us started when she jumped into a thread about violence at metal shows and mentioned that the US Marines were one of the most violent gangs in the world. i simply told her that was a hurtful and unfair statement and that our soldiers had been fighting and dying for years to give her the right to make that statement, without fear of being drug from her home at night and 'disappearing,' as still happens in many nations, even today.

that, of course, according to her, made me a 'vicious, vengeful, Bush ass-kissing warmonger.'

um... ok. :loco:

she calls herself a radical and says her hubby wants her to make every thread on the COC fan board a political one, uncovering the filth and darkness about our government.
i find that amazing... and uncalled for.

i know for a fact that COC have many fans in the military. what would they think if they knew their hard earned dollars, which go to buy COC albums and concert tix were used to support a band [not sure if the entire band feels so radically ANTI-American] that doesnt support them??

i really dont understand some people. :confused:
Would they like to know I have popped some Iraqis while listening to CoC?

SueNC said:
this is how the wife of a member of one of my favorite bands in the world [Corrosion of Conformity] described the US military to me... as a 'violent gang.'
the US is an 'international criminal organization,' with our government, as well as every US citizen being complicit. :OMG:

she went on to tell me that unless i fell into lockstep with those views [i most definitely DO NOT], that i basically should stop listening to COC [a band i've loved and supported before she ever married their bassist].

the whole argument between us started when she jumped into a thread about violence at metal shows and mentioned that the US Marines were one of the most violent gangs in the world. i simply told her that was a hurtful and unfair statement and that our soldiers had been fighting and dying for years to give her the right to make that statement, without fear of being drug from her home at night and 'disappearing,' as still happens in many nations, even today.

that, of course, according to her, made me a 'vicious, vengeful, Bush ass-kissing warmonger.'

um... ok. :loco:

she calls herself a radical and says her hubby wants her to make every thread on the COC fan board a political one, uncovering the filth and darkness about our government.
i find that amazing... and uncalled for.

i know for a fact that COC have many fans in the military. what would they think if they knew their hard earned dollars, which go to buy COC albums and concert tix were used to support a band [not sure if the entire band feels so radically ANTI-American] that doesnt support them??

i really dont understand some people. :confused:
Evil Dead said:
Would they like to know I have popped some Iraqis while listening to CoC?

i dont know how the rest of the band feels and i'd hate to think this one psycho woman speaks for the whole band, but she'd probably have a stroke if she thought that was going on. :tickled:

this is the same nutjob that made the statement that this was 'even more her country' because she's willing to speak out about how evil it is.

she's completely unreasonable.
i'm called 'intolerant' for telling her i dont agree with her views, yet, i've been civil in trying to explain to her why i feel the way i do, and she's the one using curse words, insults, etc... :err:

it's just the mentality of some people in this country that will eventually bring us down.
gaschamber said:
i wonder if this bag of dousche knows that c.o.c. has blown ass after eye for an eye anyways, and nobody gives a chunky shit about her opinion.

respectfully, dude, i disagree on that much. i absolutely, positively LOVE Corrosion of Conformity!! :Spin:

i dont feel that i have to hold the same political views as they do to enjoy their music. this radical nutjob, Sue, who happens to be married to COC's bassist, Mike Dean, says i have to, or else.

i say she's out of her mind. :err:

the band is great, but if she keeps on like she's going, she'll run a lot of fans away from them... all because she's a paranoid, liberal hack.
I for one am a huge COC fan and am deploying within a few weeks. I don't agree with this war and alot of us in the military don't but duty calls. We all knew what we were doing when we signed up especially those of us who joined during the war. Again, I don't agree with this war but I look forward to going and doing my part. Fuck this woman as I'm sure she doesn't speak for the whole band, at the same time I'm glad I downloaded the new album. It kicks ass, I guess all I really deprived this bitch of was a half a roll of toilet paper.
PFC. Punishment said:
I for one am a huge COC fan and am deploying within a few weeks. I don't agree with this war and alot of us in the military don't but duty calls. We all knew what we were doing when we signed up especially those of us who joined during the war. Again, I don't agree with this war but I look forward to going and doing my part. Fuck this woman as I'm sure she doesn't speak for the whole band, at the same time I'm glad I downloaded the new album. It kicks ass, I guess all I really deprived this bitch of was a half a roll of toilet paper.

stay safe, man. :headbang:
SueNC said:
this is how the wife of a member of one of my favorite bands in the world [Corrosion of Conformity] described the US military to me... as a 'violent gang.'
the US is an 'international criminal organization,' with our government, as well as every US citizen being complicit. :OMG:

she went on to tell me that unless i fell into lockstep with those views [i most definitely DO NOT], that i basically should stop listening to COC [a band i've loved and supported before she ever married their bassist].

the whole argument between us started when she jumped into a thread about violence at metal shows and mentioned that the US Marines were one of the most violent gangs in the world. i simply told her that was a hurtful and unfair statement and that our soldiers had been fighting and dying for years to give her the right to make that statement, without fear of being drug from her home at night and 'disappearing,' as still happens in many nations, even today.

that, of course, according to her, made me a 'vicious, vengeful, Bush ass-kissing warmonger.'

um... ok. :loco:

she calls herself a radical and says her hubby wants her to make every thread on the COC fan board a political one, uncovering the filth and darkness about our government.
i find that amazing... and uncalled for.

i know for a fact that COC have many fans in the military. what would they think if they knew their hard earned dollars, which go to buy COC albums and concert tix were used to support a band [not sure if the entire band feels so radically ANTI-American] that doesnt support them??

i really dont understand some people. :confused:

I understand that she probably doesn't speak for the whole band but as a fellow COC fan, I'm disappointed that they would allow her to push her bullshit opinions on their fans and basically tell you that you should stop listening to COC if you don't share those same fucked up views. What the fuck? You have just as much right to your opinion as she does to hers.

And you're right. Some people in this country really don't realize how good they really have it. I'd love to see someone like her say that shit in Iraq while Sadam Hussein was in power. She'd be gone in a day or two at least.
GWOODS said:
I understand that she probably doesn't speak for the whole band but as a fellow COC fan, I'm disappointed that they would allow her to push her bullshit opinions on their fans and basically tell you that you should stop listening to COC if you don't share those same fucked up views. What the fuck? You have just as much right to your opinion as she does to hers.

And you're right. Some people in this country really don't realize how good they really have it. I'd love to see someone like her say that shit in Iraq while Sadam Hussein was in power. She'd be gone in a day or two at least.

she sees her opinion as righteous, saying that this is more her country, because she's willing to slam everything about it. :err:

the guys are on the road, right now, but they're back home in Raleigh, tonight. i'm heading up to see them for the third time on this tour, as a matter of fact. :headbang:

i've known the guys for awhile. i'm going to let them know what's going on [with the exception of her hubby, Mike, whom she says wants her to keep things stirred up on the board].
things like this will alienate fans and COC isnt so huge that they can afford to run off their fans.
if Mike wants to push this hateful ideology, they should get rid of him and get Phil Swisher back in the band. i know for a fact he's still around and not doing a lot. it would be great to have him back in the band. :headbang:
Let us know how it goes with COC, dude!

PFC. Punishment: Good luck, God bless, and get home safe.

Also, someone who, to the best of my knowledge, was very anti-war and "get our troops home now!" has apparently recanted. Pete Pontikoff of Benumb is serving in Iraq right now with his national guard unit, and in the most recent issue of Revolver, stated that because the US is there, the Iraqi people are becoming a lot better off compared to where they were since they started. He said that due to the US-led regime change, Iraqis are doing better in terms of safety, education, and the economy. Sure a surprise comin' from a guy like that, hey?
PFC. Punishment said:
I for one am a huge COC fan and am deploying within a few weeks. I don't agree with this war and alot of us in the military don't but duty calls. We all knew what we were doing when we signed up especially those of us who joined during the war. Again, I don't agree with this war but I look forward to going and doing my part. Fuck this woman as I'm sure she doesn't speak for the whole band, at the same time I'm glad I downloaded the new album. It kicks ass, I guess all I really deprived this bitch of was a half a roll of toilet paper.

dude it is soo fucking hot over here, i hate this place.
i went to see COC last night in Raleigh, NC.

they put on a great show and i enjoyed myself.
i saw Mike Dean's wife to the side of the stage, but i didnt get a chance to talk to her and she didnt talk to me, although i'm sure she knew i was there.

i'm kind of glad we didnt get into it. i was having too much fun and i really didnt want to be bogged down with having to debate her right there.
i saw more than a few soldiers there last night.
i'm wondering if Mike's wife made the rounds thru the crowd to tell them they werent allowed to be at a COC show, because they were members of 'violent gangs.' :err:
Jurched said:
He's in Jawaland, goin' snap, crackle, pop with an M16 all over bomb-toting, picnic cloth-wearing unemployed ex-torture-chamber fuckin Tikrits and Habibs.

