USA in retrograde?


Aug 6, 2012

How is USA doing?
Found this:

"The American today is as pro-war, pro-capitalist, pro-empire, and pro-materialist as it was then, but is facing a threat it can no more defeat than "terrorism": total economic, political and social FAILURE; and from that failure, collapse. Because America has been the preeminent world power financially, militarily and politically since 1945, it refuses compromise; nor can it surrender one front to save another; nor can it admit defeat; nor can it accept global competitiveness; nor can it honor international law; nor does it want to honor the social contract with its own people; nor can it accept dissent or protest without state-sponsored suppression conducted by militarized police forces; nor can it accept freedom of thought and action without expanding its totalitarian spying and surveillance methods; nor can it stop the anarchic algorithms on Wall Street from sucking blood out of the nation and into the hands of market parasites, insiders, vigilantes and CEOs; nor can it stop the Generals in the Pentagon and in Brussels from constructing new exorbitantly expensive weapon systems, provoking Cold Wars with Russia and China, invading and occupying tiny resource-rich nations to control the world's energy and flows, boastfully assassinating sovereign leaders and citizens, and now threatening anyone anywhere with murder or indefinite detention without trial or jury; nor can America stop the world from seeking to unseat USD as the reserve currency (one key motive to most of the above).

Nor can America stop the world from HATING The United States of America."
This article is fucking bullshit. Not all Americans are like this, and the USA isn't like this at all, you fucking troll. Of course this article comes from a British website. They're still butt-hurt about losing the USA in the American Revolution over two centuries ago, so they have a nasty attitude towards Americans and think they're better than everyone else.
This article is fucking bullshit. Not all Americans are like this, and the USA isn't like this at all, you fucking troll. Of course this article comes from a British website. They're still butt-hurt about losing the USA in the American Revolution over two centuries ago, so they have a nasty attitude towards Americans and think they're better than everyone else.

okay then...
Intelligent (and mature) discussions only is to The Philosopher as fair and balanced is to FOX.
This article is fucking bullshit. Not all Americans are like this, and the USA isn't like this at all, you fucking troll. Of course this article comes from a British website. They're still butt-hurt about losing the USA in the American Revolution over two centuries ago, so they have a nasty attitude towards Americans and think they're better than everyone else.

All too often, I think Europeans forget that the U.S.A bailed them out of two fucking World Wars.

You're welcome Europe.

You insurrectionists got bailed out by - wait for it - the french!!
Honestly - who has a problem with the britts anyways?
Last we fought them we turned them into our bitches. Sure, a couple more years ago... but still.

Saved by the french... how does it feel?
Get a clue, then consider debating.

First the french saved you from the brittish, then the Vietnamies kicked ur !ASS! and now you're running as fast as you can from Iraq and Afghanistan.
And to top it off - you got your ass kicked in my thread!

How does it feel?
Get 2 clues - and get back to me, if you have the stones.

...Stan is a sociopath.
He’s a white male, strongly opposed to most other races and immigrants. Believes every single far right-wing economic theory imaginable and actually cited Argentina as a “beacon for true capitalism.” He has no remorse for others, seems to live in a world where he’s the focal point but he presents himself as extremely charming and personable when you first meet him. He has no problem ignoring social ethics or morals if it benefits his self interest. He’s told my friend that people should only worry about themselves, and not care about the struggles of others. That in life, self interests should trump everything else.
Then, and I kid you not, he apparently followed his “only worry about your own self interest” speech by pressing my friend on why he’s not more involved in church...
...It is a very strange thing that the people who lecture most fervently about morality are those who are most willing to fight for policies that are so immoral. They watch Wall Street turn itself into the Las Vegas strip, take the economy down and destroy people’s lives and livelihoods. To that they say, “By God we need less regulation. Get me the hose, I have things to water down!” They see a CEO of a bank or a corporation, someone who passed off all of the risk and took on all of the reward, and they say, “Get that man a bigger bonus! In fact, get him two!...
Oh yeah...

1. Rising Income Inequality and Shrinking Middle Class
4. Highest Incarceration Rate in the World
5. Corrupt Alliance of Big Business and Big Government
10. High Infant Mortality

Earlier this year, the organization Save the Children released the results of its 14th annual State of the World’s Mothers Report. The report found that “the United States has the highest first-day death rate in the industrialized world”


2. Unchecked Police Corruption and an Ever-Expanding Police State

Journalist Chris Hedges made an excellent point when he said that brutality committed on the outer reaches of empire eventually migrates back to the heart of empire. Hedges asserted that with the increased militarization of American police, drug raids in the U.S. are now looking like military actions taken by American soldiers in Fallujah, Iraq. And, to be sure, there have been numerous examples of militarized narcotics officers killing innocent people in botched drug raids or sting operations gone wrong.

To make matters worse, narcotics officers who kill innocent people rarely face either civil or criminal prosecution; they essentially operate with impunity. And in addition to the abuses of the war on drugs, the U.S. government has far-reaching powers it did not have prior to 9/11. Between the drug war, the Patriot Act, the National Defense Authorization Act, and warrantless wiretapping, the United States is employing the sorts of tactics that are common in dictatorships.

3. Torture

During the Cold War, the U.S. supported many fascist regimes and banana republics that engaged in torture. But it didn’t openly flaunt such tactics itself. That changed after 9/11. Post-9/11, the U.S. crossed a dangerous line when the CIA used waterboarding on political detainees with the blessing of the George W. Bush administration. Waterboarding and other forms of torture are not only bad interrogation methods that do nothing to decrease or prevent terrorism, they are a blatant violation of the rules of the Geneva Convention. As Amnesty International observed, “In the years since 9/11, the U.S. government has repeatedly violated both international and domestic prohibitions on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in the name of fighting terrorism.”