which places would you recomend for an american that's never left the states???

I think you'd fit right in in Holland. Everywhere in Europe is nice, Russia is bizarre, and South America is ok, but the gap between haves and have nots in S America is so great, being an American is like putting an X on ones shirt. The caribbean is basically Americanized, so... I dont know about Asia or Africa. Ive heard good things about Japan and S. Korea.
i don't speak spanish

Most of the younger people speak english. Luckily they were under the impression I was Irish or English, as they dont care too much for Americans since the train bombings.
i don't speak spanish

Doesnt matter - enough people woll speak english for you to get by. I went to spain and i dont speak spainish and i had a great time. Or even try Thailand, i went to an island called phuket and that was really nice
A huge amount of the money countries pay into the EU disappears through fraud. It seems to me that if a German or French company gets a contract to build in a less developed country, it really benefits the owner of the company and its shareholders (who are often the very politicians who allowed it the contract). The tax generated for the treasury is relatively small. None of these companies are nationalised (as they should be) and they also can just leave the country they are based in, taking all their assets, and move to a country that takes less tax off them and has cheaper labour any time they like (also should be disallowed).

Regarding what Speed said about the British seeming to get the best jobs in our country, I don't see that. It is illegal to discriminate between job applicants on the basis of race, and the laws are so intimidating that many employers will instead choose a weaker applicant from a minority in order to not seem racist and to fill either official or unofficial quotas. France is somewhat different, they have far more white doctors than Britain for example because they have some sort of nationalistic policy regarding such jobs.

While bringing in a lot of immigrants is supposed to be a left-wing policy, it plainly benefits capitalism, so this is one clear example of how the dichotomy between left and right is a trick, and the political pendulum is inaccurate.
When cheap labour is brought in from abroad it reduces the standard of living financially (never mind in all the other ways) for the native population, as wages are kept low and the threat of unemployment is a tool for oppression.