USA vs Terrorists -

La Rocque

I am that I am
May 22, 2004
an exit to eternal summer slacking
Back to the real world.
So who's going to win?
I think the terrorists will at some point win.
The US does not have the resolve to continue much longer.
Plus the midterm elections will get many Republican Senators and House Members voted out. BTW it is now a Bush/Republican War in Iraq.
I think that in the next couple of years George W. Bush will be awarded the Nobel Prize on chemistry for turning the dollar into shit.

So yes, the terrorists will win.
Eh it doesn't really matter. We're not fighting "terrorism" if you haven't figured that out yet.
SHIT!! Actually I'm 50% Iranian so you better watch out...
Don't worry I'm not a hippy or anything... I'm just kinda sick of the whole ordeal.
@ Zack, the US went to Iraq to find Weapons of Mass Destruction, didn't find any.
The stated reason from Bush is we are now there to fight terrorism .
If the US is not fighting terrorism, why do we have a terror alert?
Why do we have the Patriot Act? Why are we in Afghanistan?
Try to fly on airplane if your name is on a terrortist watch list.
What's the reason for a terrortist prison in Cuba?
I don't want to start an arguement here and go Michael Moore on your ass, but there are big holes in your statements.

The stated reason from Bush is we are now there to fight terrorism .
Are we really? My first guess would have been oil, but terrorism is ok too ;)

If the US is not fighting terrorism, why do we have a terror alert?
I'm sorry, but the "terror alert'' is a load of bullshit to me, and is just another way to instill fear in people. Even if their is a "high" terror alert, what good is it going to do to tell us? People take terror alert as seriously as tsunami alerts. Are you going to not going to take the subway to work because of a high terror alert? What does our country want us to do? Sit on the porch and shoot everyone who looks suspicious?

Why do we have the Patriot Act? Why are we in Afghanistan?
We are in Afghanistan to fight terrorism, you're right there. Only problem is, we've put about enough soldiers and provisions there to fight off harsh words.

Try to fly on airplane if your name is on a terrortist watch list.
Actually, I like this. Whenever my family and I go on vacation we get pulled aside and get searched seperately since my dad is from Iran. Easy going for us, we dont have any lines to wait in;) Now, do you honestly think if a terrorist wanted to blow up a building they would send a known comrade to do it?

What's the reason for a terrortist prison in Cuba?
It's been there for ages. It's just called a terrorist prison these days to go along with the rest of the act.

IM SORRY, RANT IS DONE.:wave: Friends?
@ Zack: *Please* rant on that's what all forums are about

I just don't go along with the "We're not fighting "terrorism" if you haven't figured that out"
The US is trying no matter how confusing their effort seems to be.
I could debate the above things You wrote but the question to start this thread was.
"So who's going to win?"

Friends? of course :)
@Rocque- Well, obviously the the US has a hudge advantage. Howevers, I think fighting terrorism is like fighting cockroaches. No matter how many you kill, you will never vanquish them. New leaders will emerge and new followers will proceed. Therefore, while I think the US will win the battle, they will not win the war.
China will win that ;)
well, if i got my family murdered/raped/both, they bombed my fucking house and took my national pride i would gladly smash myself with a fucking plane
QRV said:
I think that in the next couple of years George W. Bush will be awarded the Nobel Prize on chemistry for turning the dollar into shit.

So yes, the terrorists will win.

Yep, agreed. China will rise once again to be the one empire to rule the Earth. WUAJAJAJAJA! Alright, that's enough.

I hadn't really though about it, but Bush is helping China ascend a lot.

And Japan is also going down the drain if they don't start screwing more.

Anyway, coming back to Bush, it is all for the petrol! And he must be stupid going into places which have been the same for hundreds of years and try to change them. This will surely get back at him.

And poor Yankees that were supposed to be "home by XMas".

JAJAJA! Good one :tickled: :cry:
Heh, fucking typical. Too worried about terrorist prisons in Cuba, too worried about asses of those who simply dont give a fuck about any of you and would easily kill you in a second. YET not worried at all about what was going on in Iraq, what was going on in Afghanistan, in former Yugoslavia, in Ukraine, in Chechnya, what is still going on in Iran, in China, in plenty of African countries etc. Yeah, its so fucking easy to find the nearest enemy, cause US are so huge and stick their nose everywhere. But please DO notice these things too. I dont give a fuck about people who would die to kill me, I give a fuck about those who are in prison for their attitudes and beliefs and who get killed for it too. Its fucking typical, that the only thing people are worried about regarding Cuba are the terrorist prisons. Castro is a fine chap, isnt he?
you're also not worried at all about what's happening in my town, you selfish assholes! the winter olympics are almost upon us and traffic and prices are absolutely unbearable. how will the citizens of turin survive february? how many more will have to get to work late and come back home, like, never on a friday night before america and the european union start doing something about it? hmm?

of course, you worry about oil, you greedy meddling moneymakers! that's all you can think of, while roadworks increase by the hundred in turin every single day. i bet it's not even in the news, on the other side of the ocean, right? you don't even know the daily torture my fellow citizens are subjected to, by the likes of shady individuals such as these: .

fine, bury your heads in the sand. but one day you'll go home to your nice suburban house, feeling safe and protected, and you'll find out your hometown has been selected for the next winter olympics. it can happen to any of us.
Man, you simply rule! :) And I am sorry to read that, really, theres nothing about it in the news here. All Ive read so far is that the whole area is still a construction site and that many things will be (if they will) finished after the olympics (wtf? :err: ). There were attempts to organise WO here in our High Tatras, but fortunatelly they failed.
marduk1507 said:
All Ive read so far is that the whole area is still a construction site and that many things will be (if they will) finished after the olympics (wtf? :err: ).

yes, wtf indeed. buckets of money have been invested in a poorly-planned project that is rumored to bring money back to the municipality in terms of tourists, sponsorships and the likes.

but: a vast portion of that money just disappeared into the pockets of the administration in charge of getting the works done -- as a consequence, more will have to be used to repair the structural damage to roads and locations affected by said works; the environmental damage sustained by the area where the actual games will take place has been larger than expected, with potential long-term effects of soon-to-be-abandoned ski- and bob-tracks that will never be removed despite not seeing the pale face of a foreign tourist again for the next three hundred years; visitors to the games themselves will, in all likelihood, stay and buy stuff in france, which is as close to the sites as the closest italian city (turin), but has better services and absurdly cheaper prices, thus cutting the revenues for the municipality by at least 30% of what they were hoping for.

to this you have to add the skull-splitting stupidity and incongruity of urban planning, which is not news for us but gets amplified in times such as these: several main roads in and out of town - for instance - will remain closed to private transportation during the month of february because of the chance someone might try to bomb them. luckily, during the fourteen hours it will take me to get to my office every day, i'm gonna have plenty of time to come up with a way to bomb some other road.