USA vs Terrorists -

Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
Ahhh US citizens can be sooooo ignorant of their reality. Not all of them of course, there're some that know the serious corrupt oli shit that's going on in their country.

I can add that, when war on Irak was declared (or, was about to be declared), thousands of lecturers in the US marched to White Palace to react against the government.
^ Yeah I know, as so with Bush's election as president (they threw eggs at him and everything :lol: o_O ). Though I guess it's just a smalll minority the ones that did that, meaning the ones that are really conscious.
Although I quite agree with you, this time youre wrong. The protests against the war were huge, I think there were 3 million people in NY alone, so thats quite a lot.
Wow, I didn't know they were that much! Thanx for the info hehe, though it's still quite a minority if ye think about it :erk: .
Well, according to the polls, 68% of Americans disapprove of the job Bush is doing. But as Colbert put it, does that not logically mean, that 32% approve of the job he is not doing? :lol:
:lol: haha certainly. Bush definetly has to be the worst president ever n the history of the US, how sad for those people that still have what, two more years to go?

If you notice, Bush ratings went down after Katrina hit New Orleans. He did a terrible job rescuing people, he didn't organize anything, and well, the stae of NW should be called nowadays Lake Orleans.

He had all the helicopters he needed to rescue all his citizens where? Don't worry, 'tis easy: Iraq. And hence all the people that took notice of what happened in NW (meaning most of the US), asked themselves:

WhyTF are we still in Iraq?

And hence Bush's ratings went down.

But I guess a lot of "usonians" are not really aware of whats goiing on.
I'm at the James Gang concert and the person sitting next to me is using crutches asked if he was in an accident? Sort of he was wounded in Iraq. Had an interesting conversation. He said in Iraq there is no sense in what military are doing? They just ride around waiting to be shot at or blown up. When they secure an area the insurgents move to an unsecured area. He said things get worse every day, moral is at rock bottom and innocent Iraqis are being slaughtered every day

"one is left with the horrible feeling now that war settles nothing
that to win a war is as disastrous as to lose one" -