Can't login

message: erroneous nickname

sounds like someone from a black metal band :D

How do I solve this?
Originally posted by tombombadil
maybe because you are a number

I am not a number! I am a real person! :D

Maybe that's the reason so no chatting for me :(
i mean u use a number as nickname

u should try _403 or something like that

btw: i can't use my tombombadil i have to use tombombadil_ and such
I would, but my Net access at home is quite restricted due to too high phone bills...

And I doubt I can get an irc connection made from school's computers.

And I hate java-chats.

Still worth a try tomorrow... :p
If you're online at the time this message is posted (around 11:38 PM, CET), and if I see that you do not show up on the chatroom, I swear I will re-unleash my "7000 bloody rabbits from HELL (tm)"! :mad:
A few people from aeons past may remember the mess the last time the horn sounded; the Maiden Central was covered in blood, slime, and chewed nose :eek:
The gnaw-list starts with Anssi and Downfall. These two guys were spotted online AND browsing through this very forum, YET they were absent in the chatroom...... and they will pay it with their NOSES! :mad:

-insert optional insane laughter here-