Uses for an oversized M.O.D shirt


Southern born, metal bred
Dec 13, 2004
when i saw Billy and M.O.D last week, i really wanted the tour shirt, but they only had them in 2XL. :erk:
i decided to get one in spite of how big it was. so far, i've found 2 uses for the shirt.

- nightshirt
- bathing suit cover up [fixing to head over to the pool. the shirt is just the right size]

i will continue to find uses for this big shirt, so that my purchase was not in vain. :rock:
Now Sue, how can you go and talk about using it as a nightshirt and a bathing suit cover up without providing a picture?
Now Sue, how can you go and talk about using it as a nightshirt and a bathing suit cover up without providing a picture?

because in either situation i'm not fit to be seen by human eyes.
MXC is great, remember watching a lot of it in the hospital. Also some japanese show ninja trainer or something (HOLY SHIT) what a test of feats of strength that was.
You're very attractive (if you don't mind me saying so). It was nice to meet you and hang out with you at the show.
You're very attractive (if you don't mind me saying so). It was nice to meet you and hang out with you at the show.

sweet of you to say. thank you. it was nice meeting and hanging with you, as well.

did you get the email i sent you?
New use for XXL M.O.D. shirt. Use it to strangle the person who put up the post about Billy's death. Cause him to lose some bloodflow to the brain.
Speaking of MOD shirts..if anyone sees a XL shirt of the one that says "im not a racist, I hate everyone" ill buy it from you!