Using a kick mic as a room mic


May 9, 2006
Today i was recording this band with lots of percussion instruments, and when miking one of them I used a Beta 52 to mic its bottom, to pick up the low end, and I realized those kick mics have a HUGE hi frequencies roll off. I usually use a Royer 121, which already has some hi end roll off - i usually cut even more highs when using it as a room mic, because when i smash it with compression, it brings some really harsh hi frequencies.So I tought, couldn't a kick mic be used like this ?

I won't have a drum tracking session in the coming weeks, so i want to know if any of you guys tried it and what do you think.

I don't think kick mics roll off the high frequencies? If anything they accentuate them. The Beta52 has a spike at 3k, and an overall boost, something like a D6 or e902 is gonna boost the highs like crazy.

Depends where you're talking from, but I usually lowpass my rooms are 9-10khz anyway, and kick mics definitely don't start rolling off there.
I often use a d112 as an additional mono room, in front of the kit, compressed to fuck I mean 1176 all buttons in; and that's on the way into protools
Well, the Royer 121 I use for room mic has stuff up to 20k, dropping a little bit after 10k, but below 10k, it is almost flat for the entire spectrum. The Beta 52 has nothing over 10k, a dip on 7k, that boost around 3k, but then it is scooped... The thing is, I usually cut everything over 10k or maybe use a hi shelf to cut some highs (exactly those the Beta doesnt have) because after crushing the room track, the highs become too harsh. I will see if i can track myself playign this next week and ill post here.