using laptop as fx rack live

May 30, 2007

i was wondering if there is a program that can run vst effects on a siderack base. or if there is a function to do that in some daw.

this is what i aim for:

my laptop as a live siderack for delays and reverbs. with a motu 8pre+adat converter i'm able to run 4 aux sends form the foh desk to the motu and send 4 stereo returns back to the console.

latency wouldn't be a big problem since i only want to use it for delays and stuff so no big deal if there are 50ms latancy. so basically i need a program to run host for fx plugins and send them back to the console.

i cant figure out a way to do that with cubase or ableton live. there must be some sort of host program/function.

for that, i suggest ploque bidule, its a vst host in a modular enviroment, very easy to learn. and absolutly not expensive,
it works great for live use, i have used it many times in concerts on my laptop, for experimental music...but that doesnt matter...

due the modular structure, you have nearly endless routing possibilities!!! :)))
and everything midi controllable too,..if there is a need for

here it is:

I dont think it would be a problem. how many outputs does the 8 pre have? I thought it only had 2, which would mean you would need to route the aux`s into the 8pre, and out of the adat pre rather than the 8pre (assuming it has more outputs). other than that it should work fine, as long as a bit of latency doesnt bother you!
I've ran my laptop as a FOH rack on several occasions.

It's not perfect, but it does work. Same principle as you described.

Good luck :)

bidule looks a little.... let's say, crazy :D

haha, yes it does, but its actually really simple..

on the top, you have your soundcard imputs, and at the bottom you have your outputs, in between you can do whatever you want and route like crazy,

so, for example, you load a vst, this will appear as a box in the middle, you connect the soundcard input with the vst input with a virtual cable and then connect the vst output to a output on your soundcard..
that would be the simplest.. but you can connect x vsts parallel, seriel, whatever you want, and include a internal mixer device...
a direct "write to .wav" etc...

its like connecting stomp boxes between your guitars and your amp, only that its virutal and you dont need splitters etc, you can connect everthing multiple times.. like 1 soundcard imput to 3 sessions of voxengo boogex...
then each 3 back to a stereo mixer, where you blend them together...and go out in stereo on any of your soundcards outputs... or write them directly into a .wav file...
