Using Superior Drummer 2.0 In multi out x16 mode


New Metal Member
Feb 7, 2011
I've yet to have a good experience in using it in multi out. When I go into SD the outputs for the mic's are in stereo. Ex: output 1 output 2 output 3. As opposed to output 1/2 output 3/4 etc....
I know I just got started on this forum and I haven't contributed but if someone could help me out that would be ace. Thanks
Logic Pro. The drums are still stereo but the individual outs in the SD interface are coming out in mono. It makes it tricky to assign them to their own aux channels. Someone on youtube said there was a way to switch it but didn't say how.
In my first post I meant to say the outputs are stuck in mono where I want them in stereo... Oops, little backwards
In my first post I meant to say the outputs are stuck in mono where I want them in stereo... Oops, little backwards

well, first, route your daw to incorporate all 16 channels. Then open up SD and click where it says "out 1," and click "multichannel." problem fixed.

NOTE * this will give you 6 tracks. (dont really need to seperate them all into 16 tracks, i dont recommend it for many reasons) the only tracks that are going to be stereo are the overheads, paired toms, and room mics, tracks 4, 5 and 6. kick, snare, hats will be mono. there is no way to get a stereo snare and kick and tom. you can pan the seperate mics to achieve a stereo image but its quite unpleasant and not professional. for the most part everyone uses mono samples, you dont need stereo samples, thats what reverb is for.

it's hard to figure out exactly what you're struggling with, cause I don't have superior drummer on my computer at work hehe
and also i don't actually work with logic.

But I'll tell you what the way I set up multi channel and maybe it could help with something.
In pro tools I remember that my superior drummer's mixer shows the outputs as output 1/2, output 3/4, etc.

I don't want to output a mono kick track in SD's mixer to a stereo track in the DAW, so this is the way I set up my multi out:

In SD's mixer, with mono tracks such as the kick, toms, snare, hats, i change the output to 3/4, on let's say, the Kick track and pan it all the way left.
The next mono track, Kick-Out, i also set to output 3/4 but pan all the way right.
Snare Top > output 5/6 > pan L
Snare Bottom > output 5/6 > pan R
Hats > output 7/8 > Pan L
Tom1 > output 7/8 > Pan R
In the DAW i make as many mono tracks as needed and then set the input of those tracks to match the output of my tracks in SD's mixer.
So for example, setting the input of a mono track in the DAW to Superior Drummer Output 3/4L, will only hear tracks from SD that is set to "output 3/4" and panned left.

Setting a mono track's input to SD Output 5/6L will now hear the "Snare Top" for example.

With stereo tracks in in SD's mixer I just output it to its own stereo pair, and keep it panned as is, and also just make a stereo track for it in Pro Tools.

It might be a bit more work than other solutions, but I have yet to find another solution that worked for me, so for now I'm sticking with this.
The "multichannel" option in SD for some reason, which I can't remember now, didn't work for me the way I wanted, so thats why I did the multi-out thing this way.

What i've done to make it even easier is to set up entire kits and do all the multi-out routing, making sure every little thing is set up to work the way i want, and then save it as a DAW template so I can just import it into a new session and rock out! :headbang:
I even save some templates with some plugins and effects set up in the DAW so I can just import it and instantly have a kick@ss drum sound hehe

Hope it makes some sense :)
Cheers cheers